Strava heatmap

Started by rvb, November 21, 2017, 10:37:15 AM

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With the cookie it should work, but it doesn't at my device.

Create a Strava account (it's free)

Use Chrome to browse to the Strava Heatmap site (i.e."> ... 9/hot/ride">

Login in Strava to be able to zoom on street level

Open open chrome developer tools -> network, filter for .png

Right click an entry in the column Name and do a "copy as cURL"

Paste that in an editor and copy the Cookie Part, everything after "Cookie:" up unto '


Hello all, I'm a happy user of oruxmaps and I'd could use your help, if any of you can.

I'm trying to add the cookie to the code but I'm not getting anything out of it, I think I've used the "httpparam" as explained by orux and I've put the cookie as explained in the locus forums, but it doesn't work.

Here is the code as I have it in onlinemapsources (cookie edited).

Any ideas? Thank you.

<onlinemapsource uid="614">
<name>Strava heatmap [cycling] (OVERLAY) 7 cookie</name>
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=^%^229f7da3d2-2b7e-46d5-9098-57fc2f10d7ee^%^22; _strava4_session=sigi0oa0pmvh04s1jm7e3ti3l34ae0q7; ajs_user_id=24369543; CloudFront-Policy=eyJTdGF0ZcoooooooooooooooooookieblablablaUQPSA; CloudFront-Signature=MSKndOTqVPTPGblablablabPdy9mW9~p6ulYQCyAsUGAH0-MBUvRnjBniEKMhR8ChmY7f4PZm26WuEpjcVagFMcq~liL5lFgQmZ4riWhg7sVMmcvYS~ldi1t-hTi7jrnhUSVl7hwIuanyHzA~WnKkfhSMLMg20NC~bphaLxpBHFt2P5wMSzC3ZEKIlJZgUdtsb0HxSXftdQPZfjiXORNaSbpFUwLyba3KkTiIHZKLCSj1bmqQ7Dw7vcr3X7RL2SCU9vQZaR6dtpn6D9Nl55QE62xgIPmDGyiow__]]></httpparam>


Hi Yamayo!

I tried it with the following code:
<onlinemapsource uid="51">
<name>Strava new 54 zyx heatmap [ride] (OVERLAY)</name>
<!-- <url><![CDATA[{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png]]></url> -->
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[optimizelyEndUserId=oeu1466579122315673425r0.5835756707355442567052; optimizelySegments=^%^7B^%^22176579397559^%^22^%^3A^%^22false^%^22^%^2C^%^22179790633^%^22^%^3A^%^22direct^%^22^%^2C^%^22180070639^%^22^%^3A^%^22gc^%^22^%^7D; optimizelyBuckets=^%^7B^%^7D; _ga=GA1.2.2078697758.1469122114; ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=^%^223633b9fc-fdb9-408e-b304-ff56422cec43^%^22; _gid=GA1.2.771601027.1526202524; _strava4_session=pulkmr4jccit1eqnqdk5qpan2isancmo; ajs_user_id=15369477842; CloudFront-Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaGVhdG1hcC1leHRlcm5hbC0qLnN0cmF2YS5jb20vKiIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTUyNzA2NjU0N30sIkRhdGVHcmVhdGVyVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNTI1ODQyNTQ3fX19XX0_; CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=APKAIDPUN4QMG7VUQPSA; CloudFront-Signature=NdQ9gzQuIy46QRl3c9GivDqHUyUoYY9zVHX2PC2-cq-Fsw1A047o3L04bbZtyACyG9hEwR6QBA7SQMHUMTtZVEOZKRoO9ffruBbGLkjdqGkrzyFOR6J5O7Y3FKxRsDLJy-yiHTOgB8M3~CkPJkbp7EvSUZ67KL6BdWkX7qxXo8IHyyKCfoqkaUzdR6K-3HEZzFrdIN7uRLfgCvuF-Yw2sP2RT2s1wMPXmJyYBraKfYF6NJx7S5yMYsIkzOtbh3XfDATFoHdWOIVwD7XlT5LCTm~AQXceiTHaKasneFbxz8KY8xGsrNdc5CjnObQYxr37HGRJa-zm6gyBQK~jTqxflA__; _dc_gtm_UA-6304847-24=1]]></httpparam>

I could load heatmap tiles but they seemed to be out of the regular order and were unuseable as they were not placed at the right position on the map.

Comparing the two mapsources I noticed you are missing the $ signs in the coordinates.

Does anyone else find an error in our codes?


You where right quics (thanks!), I needed the $. But now we have the same problem, it's like a scrambled puzzle, but there is not much else to do I think.">//


Try this line:

px=256 makes the trick.


I tried px=256 but I still get maps like this:">

It seems that also the zoom levels of the track and the map don't match.

Any ideas?


Did you reload the onlinemapsources.xml?

Maybe you should remove the cache/memory or try another place?

This works for me:
<onlinemapsource uid="91">
<name>Strava heatmap cycle hot (STRAVA)</name>
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=.......]]></httpparam>


It's working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Thank you smartl!!


Okay, works, thank you.



It doesn't work for me  :cry:

I got the cookie named "ajs_anonymous_id" from Chrome (through the parameters menu) : %221ead31b....3a0d67%22

and I tried that code :

<onlinemapsource uid="716">
<name>Strava heatmap cycle hot (STRAVA)</name>
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=%221ead31b....3a0d67%22]]></httpparam>

What did I miss ?

Thank you  :)


phil-bzh: Have you replaced the whole cookie-string (not just the ID)?
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[Replace this text with your whole cookie. Probably it doesn't start with 'ajs_groupxxxxx']]></httpparam>


Hello, thank you for your help. But when I paste the whole cookie, still doesn't work for higher zooms :(


First of all, sorry for my english.

This code works for me:
Quote from: phil-bzh post_id=13619 time=1527431281 user_id=7312

<onlinemapsource uid="716">
<name>Strava heatmap cycle hot (STRAVA)</name>
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=%221ead31b....3a0d67%22]]></httpparam>

I got the cookie in chrome with these steps of locus-forum:

Create a Strava account (it's free)
Use Chrome to browse to the Strava Heatmap site (i.e. ... 9/hot/ride)
Login in Strava to be able to zoom on street level
Open open chrome developer tools -> network, filter for .png
Right click an entry in the column Name and do a "copy as cURL"
Paste that in an editor and copy the Cookie Part, everything after "Cookie:" up unto '

that paste to the httpparam value and the zoom works perfectly up to a scale of 400 m. ;)

The only mistake I had is that in the URL I was erroneously putting the address.

The correct ones would be:$z%7D/%7B$x%7D/%7B$y%7D.png?px=256"> ... png?px=256">{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png?px=256 for the "ALL" map.$z%7D/%7B$x%7D/%7B$y%7D.png?px=256"> ... png?px=256">{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png?px=256 for the "RIDE" map.$z%7D/%7B$x%7D/%7B$y%7D.png?px=256"> ... png?px=256">{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png?px=256 for the "RUNNING" map.

And the colors that I put differentiating the maps are "bluered", "hot" and "blue" but I think it is also valid "gray" although this last one I have not tried because I do not like it.

I hope my message will help.

Thank you all for this..

It's great.




Everything works at my smartphone with diagonal 5.5.

But when I try to use the same onlinemapsources.xml at Samsung Tab 10" then Strava heatmap not loading.

I tryed to use link without ?px=256 - no change.

I do not know how to cope with dat problem.

<onlinemapsource uid="716">
<name>Strava heatmap cycle hot (STRAVA)</name>
<httpparam name="Cookie"><![CDATA[ajs_user_id=22***]]></httpparam>


Create a Strava account (it's free)
Use Chrome to browse to the Strava Heatmap site (i.e. ... 9/hot/ride)
Login in Strava to be able to zoom on street level
Open open chrome developer tools -> network, filter for .png
Right click an entry in the column Name and do a "copy as cURL"
Paste that in an editor and copy the Cookie Part, everything after "Cookie:" [color=#FF0000]up unto '[/color]

No consigo hacer que funcione. Cuando sigo estos pasos, no encuentro el símbolo '
