
Uncategorized Boards => MAPAS/MAPS => Topic started by: petesx on March 11, 2014, 07:00:50 PM

Title: Ordnance Survey Landranger style vector maps
Post by: petesx on March 11, 2014, 07:00:50 PM
Hi All - This post aimed mainly at British users - I've created a theme for openandromaps / mapsforge maps intended to look more familiar to Ordnance Survey map users - still a work in progress and if you want to edit / improve it then please feel free.

xml, patterns and symbols, along with screenshots, available here:  http://gamesnight.co.uk/maps/

Thanks, PeteSX
Title: Re: Ordnance Survey Landranger style vector maps
Post by: febs on June 14, 2014, 10:39:35 PM
Thank you, it looks like an interesting alternative to Elevate.

I'll try it.

I would really like if it were possible to download themes directly from oruxmaps though, it is quite impractical to install and update them by hand unfortunately.

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