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Topics - Visitor7

MAPAS/MAPS / User OSM themes
December 05, 2013, 01:15:10 PM">mirror:">mirror2:">mirror3:
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Interface transparency
December 05, 2013, 11:51:20 AM
Option "Hide dashboard wake-up button". Make the button invisible.

Option "Transparent statusbar". Removes the lable "status" from statusbar and makes statusbar background is completely transparent.
November 18, 2013, 10:30:45 AM
Support ECW format. With its built-in metainf, or ecw + otrk, or ecw + map.

"Folder mode" for offline maps autoloading:

If (on zoom change(if zoom not exist on the current map) or leaving map boundaries) a suitable(by zoom and by coordinates) map exist in folder with current map, load it(the first available) without asking (without displaing a list available maps and loaded map name).
MAPAS/MAPS / Referer
November 08, 2013, 08:26:39 AM
How to use "httpparam" tag in "onlinemapsources.xml"? Sometimes I need to specify the "referer" for correctly work online map. For example:

<onlinemapsource uid="581">
<name>Kosmosnimki Sat</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href=""></a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="Referer"></httpparam>
<xop>$x - (1 << $z) / 2 </xop>
<yop>(1 << $z) / 2 - $y - 1</yop>

But it's not working correctly.
MAPAS/MAPS / Problems with WGS84.
November 07, 2013, 09:51:31 AM
Datum "WGS84" in OruxMaps works correctly only with maps in  "Google Sphere" coordinate system. With maps in "WGS84" coordinate system it is not working correctly. How can I bind the map in "WGS84" coordinate system(without picture transformation)?

If it is not possible now, add real "WGS84" datum(and real "WGS84" ellipsoid), please. For example, with name "TrueWGS84" or "tWGS84".