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GENERAL / Re: Sounds in Silent Mode opti...
Last post by Tronpo - April 25, 2024, 03:16:53 PM
Quote from: marcuss1 on April 25, 2024, 02:18:51 PMStill grayed out even after I check the maximum volume.

You're right, I thought it was a conditioning factor... Each Android is different, maybe you have to give permission to Oruxmaps Gp from the Android settings, so that it can manage  Do Not Disturb Mode

Do you have other apps with this mode active?

Sorry for the confusion.
GENERAL / Re: Sounds in Silent Mode opti...
Last post by marcuss1 - April 25, 2024, 02:18:51 PM
Quote from: Tronpo on April 23, 2024, 07:53:22 AMHello to be able to use, first do check the box of maximize volume, the first option of the settings.

Still grayed out even after I check the maximum volume.
GENERAL / Re: Convert tracks from v7
Last post by Tronpo - April 25, 2024, 05:28:23 AM
Quote from: on April 24, 2024, 11:36:22 PMI downloaded v7 about 5 years ago because I wanted access to maps and tracks in my SD card. New phone, v10.6, I'd like to import my old tracks. They are in zip files.
Any suggestions?

1° Unzip the zip.
2° (new phone) Android 11 or higher.
This means that Oruxmaps is using private memory.
So the Oruxmaps GP folders are in :
Android / data / com.orux.oruxmapsDonate / files / oruxmaps.

Move your tracks :

A - You can use an external file manager and copy your tracks to the
com.orux.oruxmapsDonate / files / oruxmaps / tracklogs.

B - puedes importar tus pistas desde el gestor interno de Oruxmaps GP.
Configuración > almacenamiento de la app > Import resources.

Here you'll need to specify which asset you'll import so the app knows which folder to put it in.

You also have the option to  move Oruxmaps GP folders from private memory and have the same use as version 7 that you downloaded 10 years ago.

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Geo Registration error for...
Last post by Off-Track1234 - April 25, 2024, 02:58:38 AM
Here is some weird stuff:
(1) OM will not open a geotif made with gdal_translate from the NSW.spatial GDA2020 geopdf (java error); but it will open the geotif after gdalwarp to WGS84 (which also warns about an ignored/misplaced neatline) - now a moderate size file, but with poor resolution.
(2) OM will open correctly a pdf made with gdal_translate from that 'warped' tif - with smaller size and better (but still degraded) resolution. Starting with the geotif from NSW.spatial then warping and translating as described in previous posts is better (though still slightly lower resolution than the NSW.spatial geopdf).
(3) OM correctly opens the original GDA2020 NSW.spatial geopdf when re-loaded (into either mapfiles or the sub-folder geopdf). Now it does not give either variable georeference errors or variable problems with zoom (experienced previously). Likewise, a re-loaded (large) pottsville1.tif now works in OM. Maybe it was some subtle corruption on copying the files? Now I am nervous - you can see the evidence in the previous screenshots.
(4) The re-loaded files do not show at first in OM, even after refresh maps, but they do show in subsequent starts (probably a little bug in OM, not a problem after the second start). 
Last post by cornek - April 25, 2024, 02:12:43 AM
Quote from: sica_2022 on March 28, 2023, 08:44:57 AMHere you can ask questions related to Sicami (
Also with your permission we will notify here of important changes that occur in Sicami.


Can you help please with a login error? I have been using Orux for many years now and is an awesome app. But struggling now with sicami integration. I have sicam account and managed to upload a track in 2023 from Orux. Now I can't get past the SICAMI migration screen, which gives me error "34:Invalid password" in Oruxmaps V10.6.0.GP. I have reset the account password on the sicami website and can login on the website. Any suggestions how i can enter the password in the app? when I try to Delete account in Orux I get "error connecting with the remote service"
Thang you
GENERAL / Convert tracks from v7
Last post by - April 24, 2024, 11:36:22 PM
I downloaded v7 about 5 years ago because I wanted access to maps and tracks in my SD card. New phone, v10.6, I'd like to import my old tracks. They are in zip files.
Any suggestions?
GENERAL / des del mòbil Xaomi redmi note...
Last post by Sense Còrrer - April 24, 2024, 06:44:43 PM
Bona tarda,

Fa més de 8 anys que faig servir l'aplicació d'OruxMaps. Primer amb un Samsung, i els darrers cinc anys amb un Hauwei P-Smart. Amb els dos aparells l'aplicació m'ha funcionat perfecte.

Fa un parell de diez vaig descarregar la versió 7.4.28 al nou mòbil -Xiaomi Redmi note 12S- i tinc molts problemes perquè funcioni bé la creació de tracks.
He buscat en el fórum d'OruxMaps i he provat diferents ajuntaments convinat-los:
-Ajustes - Administrar Aplicaciones - OruxMaps - Ahorro de Bateria - he premut -Sin Restricciones.
-Seguridad – Prement el sexagòn de dalt a la dreta – Aumento de Velocitad – Bloquear aplicaciones i activar OruxMaps.
-També he provat des de Oruxmaps - Permisos de Aplicacions – ubicación (permitir simpre) i (permitir solo mientras se usa la aplicación)
-També he provat des de Ajustes - Aplicaciones - Permisos - Autoinicio en segundo plano (prement l'aplicació Oruxmaps)
-També des de OruxMaps - Configuración general - Sensores - GPS - Proveedor de localizaciones fusionadas (activant-lo i desactivant-lo)

He convidat totes aquestes opcions, però no trobo la manera que el track em marquí bé la ruta que faig.
Algú em podria dir, si s'ha trobat amb la mateixa situació amb el mateix model de mòbil, com ho ha fet.
Moltes gràcies.
BETAS / Re: New beta 10.6.x
Last post by Tronpo - April 24, 2024, 02:55:14 PM
Un apunte más Oruxmaps ya admite archivos tiff, pero parece que hay varios tipos de ello(no entiendo mucho) y algunos no los lee como en este caso los modelos digitales del terreno del IGN en formato COG(tiff)
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Geo Registration error for...
Last post by Off-Track1234 - April 24, 2024, 07:46:17 AM
I worked on this a bit more. The CollarOff versions of the maps from the NSW.spatial website are in geotiff format, and AsTiffTagViewer shows that the 2020 maps specify GDA2020 in metadata. But they will not open in OM (version 7.4.28). Nor can OM open geopdf maps converted from the 2020 Pottsville geotiff using the (very slick) online converter at; though Adobe Reader opens these converted files without problem.

One workaround is to use Map tweaks > Map calibrator in OM, though it is not entirely satisfactory (probably because it uses only a single point to calibrate).

What did work well for me (after I downloaded the geotiff file from NSW.spatial to C:\temp\pottsville.tif) was to use gdal programs: first gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 C:\temp\pottsville.tif C:\temp\pottsville1.tif (to get a WGS84 re-projection - though it will still not open in OM), then gdal_translate C:\temp\pottsville1.tif C:\temp\pottsville1.pdf to get it into geopdf. This aligned perfectly under my track in OM (better than the 2016 geopdf map direct from the NSW.spatial website, which has that slight E-W error). Whew, what a run-around.
You cannot view this attachment.

The cached wms maps from NSW.spatial align perfectly under my track, so the errors seem to be associated with OM handling of the geopdfs.
You cannot view this attachment.

I think the take-home message is that OM (version 7.4.28) is happy with WGS84, but may be confused by at least some pdf maps in GDA94 or GDA2020 (these are not listed under OM Map tweaks > Map Datum, but at inception they were very close to WGS84).
BETAS / Re: New beta 10.6.x
Last post by Tronpo - April 24, 2024, 05:29:09 AM
Desde hace poco instale "locus map" para analizar ciertos paralelismos con Oruxmaps en busca de conceptos de mejoras con para Oruxmaps.
Por ejemplo este tema del sombreado esta muy trabajado.(también el uso de sombreado esta bajo una suscripción anual)
Los dem de alta definición  dan un resultado impresionante no solo para el sombreado, también para el resto de capas dem.
Hace un tiempo unos cuantos miembros de un grupo de usuarios iniciamos un proyecto
Toda España Dem Mdt05
Aquí lo dejo para que el resto de usuarios españoles pueda hacer uso de ellos
Si quieres colaborar en algún momento sera un placer contar con tus conocimientos.

Después del trabajazo de las capas dem en la última beta coincido contigo en que se debería mejorar el tratamiento de los archivos dem(no solo los de alta definición, pues no están a la mano del usuario global) talvez aplicar un algoritmo o filtro de imagen diferente al actual para minimizar el pixelado.
Ofrecer al usuario dem 1" si no es mediante descarga directa como los dem actuales 3", mediante los enlaces correspondientes a los dem de sonny o de NASA.
El usuario medio/básico no los conoce y estas nuevas capas dem no lucen con los dem por defecto (3")

"aclarar que" no conozco otra app que trabaje con el sombreado mapsforge, Locus no lo hace, cruiser app(del desarrollador de mapsforge) tampoco

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