New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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I've been working with a new release, with a lot of internal changes.

Removed old libraries, added last android UI patterns.

I need your comments.



->last test version (I hope) before the GP update.


->bugs correction, language translations.


->aprs overlay enabled,


->changes in APRS (small icons, they should move acording to signal position, show name, upload position to the server,...)


->bug correction

->last adition, a new sensor: Connection to APRS servers; configure it in global configuration->sensors->aprs">//">//">


->bugs correction


->added main UI wizard

->bugs correction


->bug correction with DEM files and map downloads.


->bug correction with DEM files.


->mapsforge map language selector per map (maps button->tweak map->mapsforge map language).

->added new text translations.


->removing some bugs.


->new drag&drop listview libraries (wpts list and dashboard controls).

->bug corrections.


->bug correction with BT 4.0

->bug correction uploading tracks to some servers


->bug correction with bluetooth 4.0 sensors

->multitracking enabled without recording tracks

->added 'with Barometer' to GPX files app name



->changes in action bar menus, becuase of last library update.

:beta 15

->bug with dashboard controls not displayed

->updated support libraries to the last version (some changes in user interface, action bar buttons).


->bug correction

->minor UI changes


->new folder, oruxmaps/mapfiles/customonlinemaps/ put there the onlinemapsources.xml file with your maps. This file is not removed/modified by the app.

->Load kml/gpx file option remembers last used folder.




->new options to the display rotation (auto, off, force landscape, force portrait).

->WARNING! changed some internal libraries that need testing.


->bug correction

->added direction arrows to the route path (if configuration--user interface--tracks--Route path effect is ON).

->added distance wpt indicators (if configuration--user interface--tracks--Draw distance indicator is ON).">


->active route painted using colors based on slope. Enabled by default in this beta version. You can disable it in settings--user interface--tracks.


->removed some bugs (composite maps, navigation drawer, display rotation,...)

->added new track tool: measure distances along the ACTIVE route loaded, calculate the distance to a route wpt along the route path (last one only works in routing mode).


->improved AIS (nautical)

->added IBP index calculation

->removed 'advanced settings' checkbox

->new dashboard fields (altitude from DEM, GPS or barometer in different controls)



->bug correction


->removed some bugs

->navigation drawer editable. New options, you can select the main elements you see.


->finalized transition to 'material design', including dialogs.

->some changes in immersive mode, bug correction

->live changes to UI, no need of restart (experimental).



->one step back.

->the navigation drawer is hidden by default. Later I will think about it. You can choose (settings--user interface--miscellaneous) if you want upper action bar, navigation drawer or both.

->added a new set of buttons, available for side button bars (ant+, heart rate monitor,...) to enable that options with one click.

->added wpts to wearable app.

->ambient mode in main display wearable app.



-->bug correction, nothing else.">

1.-Added a navigation drawer with the main app items (maps, tracks, wpts, configuration,...).

2.-Removed redundant entries in menus.

3.-Organized some menu items in submenus, to avoid long scrolls.


What do you think?



Hola Orux y compañía!

Como anuncias hay un gran cambio en esta nueva beta y a mi desde luego me gusta. Gran trabajo.

La he instalado en dos teléfonos, en un bq aquaris 5 kitkat y en un bq m5 lollipop. En el de kitkat he tenido que regresar a la última beta de la serie anterior, pues no deja acceder a los menús. No muestra la barra superior de menú.

En el M5 funciona pero observó alguna anomalía y alguna cosa que quizás no me gusta demasiado.

En lo que he cacharreado, poco he de decir, no veo disponible la opción de "Vuelta atrás" cuando entras en el menú de acceso a las configuraciones de opciones de grabado, sensores... A esto era a lo que me refería como anomalía.

Y por último lo que no me ha gustado es que ahora la opción de iniciar Ant+ queda oculta en Sensores y exige una pulsación más.

Me pregunto yo si no sería posible, que  vinculado al tipo de perfil que tengamos configurado queden en el guardados los diferentes sensores y que cuando iniciemos el gps desde Orux, este automáticamente conecte ya los diversos sensores. Es decir, si yo tengo un perfil "Running" y dispongo de un pulsometro incluido en ese perfil, cuando inicie gps lance también el Ant+ o el bluetooth, según corresponda y conecte. Que si tengo creado un perfil "Btt" y uso del pulsometro y sensor de cadencia p.ej, al iniciar gps vincule automáticamente con los sensores. Vamos, esto, como idea!, yo en mi caso, sólo dispongo de pulsometro y poco podría probar, pero creo que al que use varios sensores le vendría muy bien.

Saludos Josean.

P.D. Mañana probaremos de manera activa.


Hola Orux, en general me gusta mucho la nueva estética. Tendrías que dar una vuelta a los submenus como por ejemplo cuando pinchas en un cuadro de mandos y te sale la lista de todo lo disponible, rompe la estética general. Por otro lado las Opciones de navegación y sensores los pusiste en un submenu, yo los uso habitualmente y me incómoda que lo que hacía con un clic ahora sean dos, pero bueno todo sea acostumbrarse. Te seguiré dando mis impresiones. Como siempre enhorabuena por el trabajo y gracias.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk



i have now 6.5.8.beta1 parallell to 6.5.7 on my Oneplus One  with Android 6.0.1 (Cyanogen OS 13.0)



In contrast to other betas in the past, this beta did not took over my customized settings from my "productive" Oruxmaps


When i go to "Switch map", "OFFLINE",  refresh: the beta is not finding my offline maps.

If i go to "Global settings", "maps": Maps directory points correctly to /storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps/mapfiles/ (same and default as in my OM 6.5.7); an attempt to navigate to a different directory leads to an endless "Loading..." pop-up.


Button "GPS tracking on": The little icon on top left appears but 6.5.8.beta1 is not finding position

UPDATE 3 hours later:

After checking/comparing the App settings/permissions within Android 6 for OM 6.5.7 and 6.5.8.beta1 i noticed that all 6 permissions (contacts, SMS, storage, ...,) were disabled in the beta; after enabling that, all is OK now.



Orux does this version have any improvements for Android Wear? Or same as older beta?



Alcatel C1 android 4.2

I can't open the upper menu bar, it is invisible...



Same for me, I can't open the upper menu bar, it is invisible...

Samsung Note 2 Android 4.1.2


The same, invisible upper menu bar.

Garmin Monterra, Android 4.0.4



Orux, el tema de la "Vuelta atrás" olvidalo! Cuando compare los menús entre la versión vieja y la nueva beta entre los dos móviles no me di cuenta que en el viejo tenía abierto un track y por ello mi error.

Por lo demás, hoy lo he probado corriendo y todo ok.

Saludos Josean.


Hola a todos. Por concretar me refiero a las ventanas que se abren en algunos menús como esta:">

El marco rojo contrasta con el resto de la aplicación, pero es un tema menor. Lo que si me gusta de esta ventana, es el ok y el cancelar, en contraste con la siguiente ventana, que los tiene pequeños y demasiado juntos:">

Sobre el tema de los sensores la idea de josean, me parece muy interesante, poder memorizarlos en función del tema.

Digo todo esto porque aún temas menores, me ha parecido que quieres dar importancia a estos detalles.

Saludos cordiales.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Same as Matt. I installed it over the previous beta and it worked. I cleared the app's data and nothing worked. I had to manually give the permission (stock Android 6.0). The app should ask the user to give the permissions the first time those are needed.

Loading/displaying of mbtiles maps looks much faster, I don't know if you changed something or clearing the data had this effect.

While I like the sub-menus, I fail to see the advantage of the new interface, actually splitting commands between the side panel and the tool bar makes it more confusing. I think the side drawer should be used to give direct access to frequently used things. I could try to explain by words, but a mock-up would probably work better. Is there a way to post images directly to the forum without using external hosting?


I think it's a good start for UI simplification. Some thoughts:

- the logo in the drawer has a wrong aspect ratio (at 320dpi) and is pretty large, so that the donate button isn't visible anymore, you have to scroll to get there

- "Global settings": I think "Settings" would be enough now

- "Maps" in the drawer: same as "switch map" in the map menu; still redundant and inconsistent naming

- I'm not sure if "Maps", "Tracks/Routes", "Waypoints" and "Geocaches" in the drawer make it easier as now functions for the same sections are in two menus; those 4 (3 if you discount maps) still fit in their previous space without making it too crowded; leaving the drawer to more global functions

- I think there are some things missing, like tools menu

- Menus now pop up above symbol bar, I like it better the old way when you can still use the symbol bar with opened menus

- I like the submenus, but I think the submenu buttons should already give a hint that a submenu will be opened; now they look like every other button

- A "customize menus" function would still be great:">

- With submenus it would make sense for me to offer all functions of the menus also as buttons for the buttons bar, as some are now more hidden (like tweak mapsforge theme which I use very often)


Quote from: "eartrumpet"I think it's a good start for UI simplification. Some thoughts:

- the logo in the drawer has a wrong aspect ratio (at 320dpi) and is pretty large, so that the donate button isn't visible anymore, you have to scroll to get there

+1 but the donate button is still useless... Orux, why not a single version with in-app purchase so that those who already donated can do it again?

Quote from: "eartrumpet"- "Global settings": I think "Settings" would be enough now

+1 again, but this poses a problem for us translators. It's hard to notice if Orux touches existing strings. Orux, could you add a column to the table with "last modified date"?

Quote from: "eartrumpet"- I'm not sure if "Maps", "Tracks/Routes", "Waypoints" and "Geocaches" in the drawer make it easier as now functions for the same sections are in two menus; those 4 (3 if you discount maps) still fit in their previous space without making it too crowded; leaving the drawer to more global functions

Actually the drawer could entirely replace the top bar making things more accessible. I have in mind a layout that can work but I need a bit of time to put it down. As a general concept it could show directly things that are relevant in that particular place. For example "switch map here" could entirely go away if you were shown the list of maps, ditto for "switch theme".

Another bug. Revealing the top bar pops you out of immersive mode. Also, there is no animation when the android buttons are revealed.

Quote from: "eartrumpet"
1. - "Global settings": I think "Settings" would be enough now

2. - "Maps" in the drawer: same as "switch map" in the map menu; still redundant and inconsistent naming

3. - I think there are some things missing, like tools menu

4. - Menus now pop up above symbol bar, I like it better the old way when you can still use the symbol bar with opened menus

5. - I like the submenus, but I think the submenu buttons should already give a hint that a submenu will be opened; now they look like every other button

1. +1

2. +1 "Maps" for both

3. +1

4. +1 menu bar should also visible, when an menu is opened.

5. +1 maybe change submenus like






Point 4&5 is most impotent for me.

Map names are now UPPERCASED, I think that is different than before.


tengo tanta fe en esta aplicación y en su creador que seguro que aunque no me guste el cambio acabara gustandome y le vere el lado bueno  :D  :D , pero eso, el primer encuentro con el nuevo interface a sido un poco ¿que es esto? crear mapas no lo he encontrado, el tema de los sensores como dice el resto esta muy escondido, y es algo a tener muy a mano cuando se empieza una ruta...

animo con los cambios!!! seguro que al final quedara de PM.

un saludo.