Zoom management in multimaps : enhancement proposal

Started by LaurentG, October 11, 2018, 09:05:07 AM

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Hi Orux,

When we have a (offline) Multimap merging two maps that do not have the same raster (or vector...) zoom levels available, there is an option in GlobalOptions/Maps/ZoomSettings to automatically limit zoom levels of the multimap to those available in all layers.

But if this option is not checked, and if zoom level selected is available only in one layer, and not in the other, nothing is displayed !

It would be better, in such a case, to either

- display only layers for which zoom level is available (and ignore layers for which this zoom is not available)

- or (even better) display "normally" layers for which zoom is available, and use "digital zoom" (enlarge or reduce) for layers that do not include the corresponding "raster" zoom level.

Do you think this is feasible and could be available in future version ?