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Topics - Findulas

COMENTARIOS/COMMENTS / Show only Dashboard by always on
October 10, 2020, 02:47:42 PM

here are some ideas, I have. Perhaps these have already been imlpemented and I did not find the right switch.

For Batterylife, it would be nice to have an option to show only the dashboard with white text in black. This should be always, so that you have the speed, time... always active. The map comes up when a waypoint ist near.

The waypoint alarm could get some adjustments. The alarm distance could be speed dependent. F.e. set to 10 seconds: Using the current speed of 10m/s this would be 100m distance.
Another option could be alarming all waypoints in route order inside the alarm distance. F.e. turn right in 90m then left... This would help if the waypoints are very close.

oruxmaps is a super app and I would be missing it.
