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Topics - Lenz


I've been using Oruxmaps for a few years mainly for orientation purposes and sometimes for track recording. Now I tried to use it for training purposes and two questions came up:

1) Although I was walking/running without pausing total and moving time differ quite a lot (6 to 10 minutes on a 1:15 hour track).
2) I used the follow route function and "delay in route" in the dashboard. While "delay in route" showed I was in the lead (9:17 and 10:31 minutes on my last two attempts) when I arrived, neither my total time (-4:43 and -4:45) nor my moving time (-0:29 and -5:42 minutes) are close to this time advantage.

Do I misunderstand something or could there be a problem with my GPS (settings in the GPS section: min. time 2 sec. / min. distance 5 m / accuracy for position fix 50 m)?
OruxMaps 8.2.0 beta 23
Phone: Xiaomi Redmi 4X with MIUI Global 11.0.2 (I know it's a bit outdated but up to now it meets my needs ... and it's not of the size of a small tablet pc)

Thanks in advance
Hello Orux,
when you want to enable/disable 'sub overlays' (i don't know if this is the correct term) in maps - overlay options - tweak overlay, you have to long touch the sub overlays. Using check boxes for enabling/disabling would be more intuitive and faster especially when you have a lot of sub overlays.

Not a new feature but a modification of an existing one:

When a position (coordinates) are handed over to OruxMaps from an app (e.g. PeakFinder), OruxMaps starts waypoint navigation. It would be great if OruxMaps could ask, how to deal with the position, e.g. with radio buttons:

o center map at position
o create waypoint
o start waypoint navigation

Versions: 8.1.2 GP - 8.1.4 GP, 8.0.5 beta 8
Phone: Xiaomi Redmi 4x, MIUI Global 11.0.2
Maps: OpenAndroMaps + Elevate, Tiramisu, Mapsforge standard theme

The map rendering without Oruxmaps hill shadows (global settings - maps - apply hill shadows deselected) is very fast, with hill shadows it is awfully slow. In 8.0.5 beta it worked flawlessly.
Using the Mapsforge standard theme rendering works fast with "global settings - maps - mapsforge settings - apply hill shadows" activated.

Work around:
1. Insert the tag <hillshading /> e.g. at the end of the style's XML file.
2. Deactivate "global settings - maps - apply hill shadows".
3. Activate "global settings - maps - mapsforge settings - apply hill shadows".
4. Apply the selected style. (Maybe you have to restart Oruxmaps or change the map once.)

+ map rendering is very fast

- Oruxmaps' hill shadows look much better
- loading a map or changing a style takes quite long with Mapsforge hill shadows

All in all I hope Oruxmaps' hill shadows will work as fast as they used to in future versions.
Hello Orux,

I have a feature request concerning the elevation profile and the statistics of hand drawn routes.

A simple example:

- a route consisting of one straight segment e.g. between two peaks

-> the elevation profile is a straight line from the altitude of one peak to the altitude of the other peak

-> the statistics show ascent/descent as the difference between the altitude of the summits

- but: what about the terrain between the peaks (valleys, passes)?

Would be great to see the terrain structure along the manually drawn route in the profile and also the values for ascent/descent - of course only when the DEM-files are available.