multi-select tracks to be imported

Started by kischu, April 23, 2018, 11:34:18 PM

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I just registered because of my question/issue:

Oruxmaps is a great program. But I think, it lacks something important:

The ability to import many (maybe hundreds of) tracks at the same time!

I have a lot of runtastic, viewranger and locus files (gpx), but if I want to import them into Oruxmaps, I cannot select all the tracks in the corresponding folder (let's say: "tracklogs" folder) by a simple check mark to select all the files - no, I have to select and mark file after file (which can be very tiresome and needs a lot of time and attention) - one by one.

Why not giving us an additional option?

To select and put a check mark to all the files in the folder.

An alternative would be to be able to import a zipped file of all the individual gpx files; something Locus map can do.<br/>

I zip all my viewranger gpx files into one big zip file. Locus can import this zip no problem and automagically split it into all the individual gpx files. This is fast and very comfortable.

I can't imagine, I am the only one to face this issue. Anyway, I still like Oruxmaps very much. :-)


Nobody facing the scenario to import hundreds of tracks?

And then being forced  to put a check-mark before each and every track - instead of having a simple "mark them all" option?

Alternative would be (what I mentioned):

being able to zip all gpx files and import the zip (only one check mark needed, of course) and getting that zip unpacked into all the single gpx files.


Any interest in something like that?
