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Topics - jeantout

GENERAL / (<<<<<<<<<<<<) blue on my trace
December 15, 2014, 05:17:39 PM

I did a trace on orux is good, and I pressed an icon (I do not know which one) and it appeared the (<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<) blue on the trace.

I board not found how to remove these (<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<)

I'm french and I use google to translate.

Thank you for your opinion
GENERAL / Maps folder is not in sd card
November 30, 2014, 10:06:57 AM
Hello, I installed version 6.0 orux but the maps folder is not in the SD card but on the internal memory. what is what I can do?

The version of Android is 4.1.2

Thank you for your opinion

I'm not English and I use Google translation sorry