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Topics - DesasterArea

After Updating from OruxMaps v.8.5.5 GP to OruxMaps v.9.0.3 GP the time stored in the trackpoints in an GPX export of a track have a wrong date  :(.
Only noticed it after trying to sync with Photos using Geosetter after a few weeks after after the update.

Some part of the gpx file still has the correct timestamps:
- Filename: 2022-06-11 125658__20220611_1256.gpx
- <time>2022-06-11T10:56:58.052Z</time><bounds maxlat="50.2510326" maxlon="8.5536163" minlat="50.2165018" minlon="8.4889240"/>

But in other places and all trackpoints there is a wrong date, e.g.:

- <desc><![CDATA[<p><br /><h3>Name: Segment: 1</h3><br />Start time: 13:36 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Finish time: 17:28 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Distance: 11.6km (03:51)<br/>Moving time: 02:51<br/>Average speed: 3 km/h<br/>Avg. Speed Mov.: 4.05 km/h<br/>Max. speed: 6.32 km/h<br/>Minimum altitude: 264 m<br/>Maximum altitude: 683 m<br/>Ascent speed: 302.1 m/h<br/>Descent speed: 312.4 m/h<br/>Elevation gain: 283 m<br/>Elevation loss: 452 m<br/>Ascent time: 00:56<br/>Descent time: 01:26<br/></p>]]></desc>

<trkpt lat="50.2412288" lon="8.5265620">
<trkpt lat="50.2414058" lon="8.5265089">

I'm not sure if the date is already garbled in the database or gets corrupted during the gpx export ~ reexporting doesn't change a things

A little search in the forum revelead this kind of error happend not the first time
Using Fairphone 4 with Android 11 with all available updates.

Please advice

Kind regards