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Topics - Andrzej

ERRORES/BUGS / External GPS - BT connection problem
December 30, 2018, 02:10:06 PM

I'm using OM in difficult terrain, where internal GPS is not so accurate as more sensitive external one. I configured OM to use BT external GPS, but it doesn't see this GPS. Phone see it (it's properly paired), other apps works fine - e.g. In "GPSInfo" i can test BT connection and see NMEA data transfered to applications. But in the same time "GPSInfo" reports data and position OM gives me info like "BT connection is lost" and "Can't connect with BT device".

BTW: while there is an option to alarm, when BT GPS connection is lost, there is no similar option for alarm, when internal GPS is "disconnected" and there is no signal/no position.

Regards -

May 29, 2017, 08:55:32 PM

I use OM some time, and I'd like to propose improvement to functionality of importing track from GPX. For many reasons there is lot of situations, when I need to export track and working wit it on my laptop. OM is not thought as an editing tool, so it's more convinient and just quicker to edit GPX files there, especially that there is a lot of "heavy edits" like e.g. complete height data replacing, Ramer–Douglas–Peucker compression, points restoring, etc.

After all corrections I'd like to get it back to OM database. And there is an issue: OM is reading GPX file, even ask for some options - if you don't choose any (just make "plain import") GPX could be imported as "plain track" (with replacing existing track with the same name, if already stored in database).