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MAPAS/MAPS / Problem with maps - - > divide by zero
December 31, 2018, 05:01:35 PM
What is the reason for this error meesage?

- Starting orux maps

- pushing the refresh button opening offlne maps. (see Screenshot below) :

Problem with maps - - > divide by zero

Other open map work on my Android Oreo Phone.

This map works on my  Android Oreo Tablet.">
I use offline Open Street Map for Garmin


With OruxMaps v. 7.0.5.

The Street names appear horizontally , written in UPPER CASE and highlighted in yellow. :">

Therefore, in a city with a lot of streets and/or a town with curved roads it is impossible to recognize which street name belongs to which street.

How can I set it like this (example from online open street map)?">