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Messages - Haldo

GENERAL / Re: Huawei and Huawei Mobile services
June 12, 2022, 01:32:59 PM
I had Huawei phones and I remeber that the battery optimization was pretty aggressive..

You have to check the battery manager of the oruxmaps app

this might help.

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: importing IGM maps
June 04, 2022, 09:35:10 AM
I think so.... 

There are many formats.. some are already georeferenced... some other doubtfully.
But you can georeference it within oruxmaps
May 29, 2022, 01:05:23 PM

Since oruxmaps 9 GP when opening some path to internal memory the default file browser is used to open that path

example when I load some gpx track I have stored in my phone, the deafult file browser on my phone is opened to find that gpx file.

Is it possible to change the file browser used?   I use solid explorer which is way much better than the deafult one.

Thanks for the great work
Quote from: Explorer on May 25, 2022, 05:18:56 PM
Is there a way to have my extracted .apk file of Oruxmaps GP 9.0.2 to include my license so the Magellan tablet will recognize my license?

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Error 9.0.2
May 25, 2022, 04:49:05 PM
I don't think it's possible....   anyway I noticed strange behaviour when i upgraded....

it was stuck for some time at every start of the app... with "checking previous backup" or something like that...
I solved deleting everything unistalling and copy by hand the files i needed

So....   copy the content of the original oruxmap folder in some place like document cartel (just to be safe)

uninstall everything - install from scratch.  open the app and check if eveything works   (don't bother if it's not like you used to see it)

if it works. shut it down and copy maps dem tracks preferences and so on in the new android/data/com.orumaps.donate folder

apply your profile preferences and check the path of the files in the menu-application
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Error 9.0.2
May 25, 2022, 02:54:42 PM
Thank You
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Error 9.0.2
May 24, 2022, 03:11:39 PM
I don't have micro sd so that's not the issue....

i tried everything but the problems still stands.

I solved uninstall everything and do it again from scratch...  now works perfectly.

Anyway when i check the memory position of maps dem etc.... it gave me two options to store the files:




what's the difference and which one should I have to choose...

seems to works both ways
ERRORES/BUGS / Error 9.0.2
May 23, 2022, 09:43:00 PM
I finally receive the new version 9.0.2 and I migrate all the data when asked


Dem files i have were not copied, track db were not copied, mapstyles were not copied  and there is a strange error when update map database (attachment)

I managed to copy by hand dem, mapstyles and track db and now they are present in the folder.

I download the new versions of openandromaps but there is still the error and I cannot load the map.

What happened?    I tried a beta version two months ago (and then unistalled) and everything worked fine
GENERAL / Re: Vocal Navigation Directions on track
April 27, 2022, 02:38:44 PM
Quote from: paoloianes on April 27, 2022, 12:35:59 AM
There is no possibility to automatically convert a track into a route.

from the list of tracks - long tap - load as route into the map.

Anyway if there are not waypoints the navigation is not possible. But you can add them. Long tap on the route - add waypoint.

You have to check the menu - text to speech/sound - and check waypoints and track/routes options
I think there's a function in the menu that does the same

menu - maps- reset cache online and reset cache raster
GENERAL / Re: Remove possibe segments from GPX file
March 12, 2022, 03:59:08 PM
i checked the gpx and works for me without problem and no segment...

That's why I told you that probably was something whitin the settings...
GENERAL / Re: Remove possibe segments from GPX file
March 12, 2022, 09:46:59 AM
Those markers are not segment in the gpx file but probably they are the auto segmentation within the app.

go to settings - Tracks and routes - auto segmentation - and disable the auto segmentation distance (set to 0)
GENERAL / Re: Google Drive Integration
March 08, 2022, 09:48:52 PM
well that depends on what you have in the oruxmaps folders....

maps, mapstyles and dem files that I got, I can download it again easily.. so I'm not backing up them. (plus maps files are huge!!)

I backup onlinemapsource.xml that I have edited for my purpose, preferences, and another folder with the gpx files i use as routes.
GENERAL / Re: Google Drive Integration
March 08, 2022, 02:59:04 PM
The Google Drive integration copy all the content of the tracklog folder.

The database of the tracks (oruxmapstracks.db) is renamed adding the date of the backup.

It is one-way only: from oruxmaps to google drive.

'0' means that the backup is performed at 00:00 AM

I use foldersync as well and works perfectly.
BETAS / Re: New beta version 8.5.x
February 28, 2022, 12:00:54 PM
Quote from: YvanCB on February 28, 2022, 05:38:08 AM
After this little pinch, the map is always visible?
No more problems?


yes no problem after that