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Messages - Luca72

Thank you very much for your quick reply.

Unfortunately I already checked my device as BT Smart but I can only use it with Oruxmaps on my old HTC 601 desire.
On both my Huaweis (P30 Lite and P20 Lite) it connects and after some seconds (without display anything) it disconnects.
As I write before I can use it with other Apps on both phones and it shows correct heart rate.

Since it is not a problem with Huawei stack (you can use it on P20) I suspect it could be an unlucky combination between Oruxmaps, Huawei stack and my BT device (which is, to be onest, quite old)
Maybe I will try to buy a new device and see if it works on my P20 lite

Thanks again,
Luca Veronesi
My name is Luca and I am an Italian user. I have been using Oruxmaps on my HTC 601 desire for a long time, with success, for Mountain Biking.

Yesterday I decided to switch (my HTC is getting very old) to my other backup phone (Huawei P20 Lite) and I discovered that my BT Heart rate monitor keeps connecting and disconnecting with message "Bluetooth connection lost! Retrying in 30 seconds.". All other features (GPS, map loading, tracks..) are working as usual.

I know for sure it is not a problem with the device because I tested it on the same phone with other Apps and it works flawlessy. But I made the same test on my other Huawei P30 Lite and I had the same issue, only with Oruxmaps.
It seems there is something going wrong with Huawei devices and BT Smart sensors on Oruxmaps.

My Huawei P20 Lite is updated to Android 9 and EMUI version 9.1. My BT HR Monitor is a Geonaute (Decathlon) device (first model, only BT Smart - no dual). I am using Oruxmapx v. 7.4.22 (but I also tried with v6.5.10 with the same issue).

Thanks in advance.

Luca Veronesi