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Messages - stevenhorner

BETAS / Re: New BETA 5.5.15!
December 30, 2013, 08:20:02 PM
Just wondering if the GPSGate tracking bug fix will make its way into the beta, mentioned here:">

Appreciate it's probably not your highest priority update, if only I noticed it was incorrect.

Love OruxMaps!!
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: GPSGate error in coordinates sent
December 12, 2013, 08:24:35 PM
Thank you.

I have been testing some of the integration (tracking) options OruxMaps offers. I would like it to send the data to a custom url, so the options are:




OKMap isn't really suitable for just logging the locations to a database and MapMyTracks I couldn't see anyway to specify how often the tracks could be submitted. It looks like it submits a location every 2 minutes.

GpsGate in OruxMaps allows me to specify the delay and what I enter here looks like the frequency the updates are sent. The simplest solution would be something like what OSMand does, which basically submits to the URL the user specifies like this:"> ... }&speed={5">{0}&lon={1}&timestamp={2}&hdop={3}&altitude={4}&speed={5}

All OSMand does is replace the numbers and brackets {0}, {1}, etc.. with the relevant values. The user can change any part of the url to their requirements.

So I could have longitude sent like any of the following:




The user can also specify exactly how often they want the location information sent.

Thanks again for checking and hopefully fixing the GpsGate protocol in the next release.
ERRORES/BUGS / GPSGate error in coordinates sent
December 05, 2013, 12:38:56 AM
I have been trying to use the GPSGate tracking built into OruxMaps but it appears the location it is sending is wrong. Below is an example that was sent and the coordinates are in NMEA DDMMM.mmmm


Pulling the coordinates from the above would give the following



If I convert these to Decimal (below) it gives the location in Africa, yet it should be in the North East of England.

21.432080, -1.234587

OruxMaps records the location correctly in the app and in the GPX file, yet the location sent via the GPSGate protocol doesn't appear to match. Is this a fault or am I doing something wrong. My phone a Note II works fine in every other GPS including OruxMaps itself so I don't think its a problem with my hardware or my conversion.

Any help appreciated.