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Messages - oguzhan

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: External sensor priority
June 11, 2020, 08:57:52 AM
Where did you get the sensor board. Can you describe the features of the sensor board?  I need a BT sensor too.
Hello everyone.

I have a question.

Which combination of nRF chip and sensor does Oruxmaps support?

nRF51822 BMP180

nRF51822 BMP280

nRF51802 BMP180

nRF51802 BMP280

(BMPxxx sensors measure temperature and pressure)
BMP180 Datasheet
BMP280 Datasheet

Does anybody buy and use barometer thermometer sensor card from Aliexpress site? If yes, what combination did you get? How did you use it? Is it necessary to install firmware on nRF51 chip?

thank you very much for your advice.