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Messages - Ian Hinton

Muchas gracias, Juanjo. No encontraba este dato ni en el manual ni en estos foros. Me has salvado el problema que tenía al usar ficheros CSV.
Does anybody know how dates are stored? When I export to CSV, I've noticed that the date is represented by a large integer, such as 1019775110. Is the date recorded in seconds transpired from a starting date? If so, what is the start date?

¿Alguien conoce el formato en que se almacenan las fechas? Cuando exporto a CSV, observo que la fecha se representa por un número íntegro, como 1019775110. ¿La fecha se almacena en segundos transcurridos desde una fecha inicial? En caso afirmativo, ¿cuál es la fecha de inicio.
GENERAL / Orux icons
June 13, 2021, 07:45:51 PM
I would like to add a couple more icons to the default set. Ideally with the same style. In the "About" section of the app, I found a mention to Going through that website, I can't find the same set (or pack) of icons as the one included in OruxMaps. Can anybody help me out here?
Just for test purposes, I tried adding an additional icon, and it was very straightforward. The trouble is that the icon I incorporated has a completely different design, so it stands out in a ghastly way.
I'd also thought of locating the default icon set in the app, isolating one icon and using it as a model for creating new one in the same style, but I can't find that set. Does anybody where it is located?