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Messages - rdiaz02

Quote from: orux on August 18, 2020, 12:26:37 PM
Quote from: rdiaz02 on August 18, 2020, 11:55:21 AM
Quote from: orux on August 18, 2020, 08:04:11 AM
You can change the coordinates and the altitude of each Track point, if you go to the Track properties-->edit button.
You can change the coordinates and the altitude, but not the timestamp.


Thanks a lot. I didn't know about that. That is very useful.

However, I would like to see (not edit, just see) is the time of arbitrary points, so that I can know when I reached a particular place, or how long it took me to get from one place to another. If I want to do that, the only way to do it is by creating waypoints during the hike? I cannot do it after the hike is over by looking at arbitrary points?


If you display the Track altitude graphic, using /time in X axis, you can find the time of the points.

But it is not a good solution.
I will think about it...


Thanks a lot. I'll use that solution while a better one becomes available.

Quote from: orux on August 18, 2020, 08:04:11 AM
You can change the coordinates and the altitude of each Track point, if you go to the Track properties-->edit button.
You can change the coordinates and the altitude, but not the timestamp.


Thanks a lot. I didn't know about that. That is very useful.

However, I would like to see (not edit, just see) is the time of arbitrary points, so that I can know when I reached a particular place, or how long it took me to get from one place to another. If I want to do that, the only way to do it is by creating waypoints during the hike? I cannot do it after the hike is over by looking at arbitrary points?

Dear All,

Is it possible to find out (directly in the app, not by looking at the gpx file) the time and coordinates and altitude of arbitrary points along  tracks and routes? This is shown if I "click" on (put my finger on top of) waypoints (or on the per-default starting and finishing points). But if I click at any other place along the track I am only shown "Segment: 1 [or whatever]".

