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Messages - le.Snake

I think I made a step forward...

During the orux/sicami setup, there is a screen that says that if we refuse connection, the setup will fallback to old servers, which will be disabled.

After this message, there is an account selection dialog with an email button and a password field.
When clicking on the email button, there is an account selection dialog. This dialog does not enable me selecting my account. I have 2 of my accounts that appear, then "add another account", which I select, but it fails because the account already exist.

The only 2 accounts that appear are my gmail accounts. Is it mandatory to use  a gmail account ?

Thanks for support.

I have the same issue with orux maps GP 10.1.6 on a smartphone.
After that, I have installed the sicami application on which I can log in.
I read in another post to use the same login/password for both app, which I did.

Where can I check/change the server used ?
I've been crawling in the settings, but found nothing. I got lost for sure...
GENERAL / Re: Cant connect polar H10
December 20, 2020, 06:41:34 PM
I stopped attempting to use it through ANT+.

It works like a charm using bluetooth only.
GENERAL / Cant connect polar H10
December 15, 2020, 10:19:04 PM

I'm struggling to make my polar H10 work on my sony XZ.
First, thanks Jose, I figured out that the ID that is printed on the heart sensor is not the ID that Oruxmaps is expecting.
The ID was given by ipsensorman.

Ipsensorman detects my device, but orux does not.
I've also installed ANT radio service and ANT+ plugins service.

That way I arrived to a point where:
- When I touch on "autodetection", I have an error message saying (translated from french) "ANT+ reading error, Are you sure that your device  support ANT ? ADAPTER_NOT_DETECTED"
- When I use the ID from ipsensorman, if I touche "ANT+" menu, I see a "connecting" in a blue box, then, in a red box "ANT+ already in use or unavailable. Free it if it is already in use"

Any Idea where to look ?

Should I keep Ipsensorman since I have the ID now ?

