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Messages - Oops#04x

Manage waypoints ; see below some improvements for the French translation:
-Misspelling / "carrément" instead of "carément" (type values 1018 and 1019).
-Improvement for coherency / the tense generally used is "infinitif" except for "Restez" ; it is more logical to use the same tense for all and "Rester" (type values 1014 and 1015)
-Suggestion / translation of "ATM"; it is an English acronym widely used but not in France (DAB or GAB) although used in some other French spoken countries such as Canada, Belgium, ...,
you might (just a suggestion) translate "ATM" in "Distributeur"

BTW with English language selected on my French phone, I have menus in English but Waypoints / Jalon are displayed in French (no test done about TTS voice messages). 