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Messages - Derin Marmara


GeoServer authorities and users;

I made some maps I made (.db .tiles .png .tiff) WMS service etc. I want to publish by sharing .XML file for use in android application.

I have a few questions, I am new to this and I would appreciate it if you could give feedback on terminology that I can understand  :D

1. I don't want to use my notebook as a server because I can't keep it open all the time. Since I don't have another computer, should I install this program on a server of a company that provides service? ****

Is it possible to use this program in a service such as cloud server or virtual server? (Setting up a mid-level computer-server for this service will cost me a cost, I don't want it.) This is what I am most curious about.

3.  Can I share the file in the .db format in the WMS code (.XML file) I created  over GeoServer? (Or should the image data be in Raster format or Tiles format, not a database file?)

4. If the answers to all my questions are yes, can I include the security setting in the WMS file, such as the person who will access the WMS from the android cannot download the created file? (E.g. <download> no <download> ..


Help me! :-\