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Messages - DarWog

MAPAS/MAPS / Generated mapsforge tiles location
July 23, 2024, 07:57:52 PM
Hello Jose and all,

I'd like to export an image of a portion of a vectorial mapsforge map.
Since the area is larger than my device screen, I can't just screenshot and planned on stitching the generated image tiles with a simple script.

Problem : I can't find the generated tile images !

I used to find the png tiles in /DCIM/.cacheimg but this directory doesn't exist on my current device.
Didn't find them in /Android/Data/com.orux.oruxmapsDonnate, nor /oruxmaps/*

Anyone knows where to find or extract these generated tiles ?

BETAS / Re: New beta version 8.2.x
March 04, 2021, 07:31:42 PM
Hi Orux,

I just tested : OruxMaps8.2.0beta6

First, there is a major improvement on .map vectormaps loading time compared to version 7.4.22 !!

My config :
* Samsung Galaxy A5 2017

* Map Settings > Map orientation > Map north up => the map still turns with fingers
* Map Settings > Load maps automatically > Never
** OK: it does not load a map when moving away from the map support
** KO: a new map still loads when zooming above the maximal available layer, from the selected offline map to another offline map (this is not the case in v7)

* The measure icon is now in the main left menu, which is not very convenient when measuring multiple segments.
* The easiest way I found to measure is to use "Route > By hand" then "cancel".

Hi Eartrumpet & Orux

Thanks for your work : "orux + openandromaps + elevate" is just amazing !

Here is a feedback on mountain trails.

When hiking in the mountains, I keep a close look on trail difficulty, to avoid sac T5 without proper equipment for example.
In the current Elevate, the colors are confusing for me, and high-difficulty trails appear in black, and may be overlooked or confused with other marks, while they could be dangerous.

So I thought of using a green-blue-orange-red colormap for sac, but the green was getting confused with many other marks, so I converged to:
T1=black (easy), T2=blue (ok), T3=orange (hard), T4=red (dangerous/alpinism), T5=pink, and T6=purple (this one is very rare)
The visibility modifies the dash/dots, and the unrated sac are light gray.

For this, I modified manually the xml so I probably crashed a few other close legends such as tracks and horse tracks...
Is there a "simple" way / software to edit the stylesheet ?

Here is a comparison of Elevate and the modification, where I find the visibility more satisfactory for my usage.