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Messages - cacciatorino

ERRORES/BUGS / 5.5.16b unstable?
February 23, 2014, 06:02:09 PM
I use Oruxmaps to record my bike rides.

It happened a couple of time that after a few seconds after launching oruxmaps, android crashed and the phone restared. Today Orux recordered the first 27 km of my ride, and then stopped to work. I don't know if the crash was related to the app only or to the whole operating system due to the fact that I discovered the problem when I arrived to my house.

Could it be a problem of Orux, or I'm simply "low" on memory? how can I check this last possibility?

My phone is a Sony xperia Active, the release of Orux is 5.5.16b and the release of Android is 4.0.4.
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Strava Integration
January 09, 2014, 06:08:33 PM
Quote from: "goosiebn"

First, in Oruxmaps Settings, Integration, enter the following email address :

I was not aware of this method for gpx uploading, thank you very much for the info! :-)
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Strava Integration
January 09, 2014, 07:19:24 AM
Could it be possible to make that Oruxmaps uploads the GPX file to"> automatically, once the ride is finished?

Regards, Alessandro.