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Messages - svenfreiburg

The Navigation Option: Route alarm is a very useful tool to stay on track - even with display off for power saving.
by cycling there are often many reasons to leave the track for a moment. therefore it would be fine to switch route alarm easy on/off with a side button instead of browsing the menues...
Would be the most loely improvement in Orux to me :-)

I like to use the route alarm function by cycling/ mountain biking longer distances.

Often I make little variations on tour (drive to a coffee, diviation, street to crowded, see a path not in the map/route....). It is cumbesome to switch the alarm on and off while riding the bike because it needs some clicks.

Please add this function as an customizable option to the side menue like camera, zoom in/out etc.



using oruxmaps for years on many hikes in the pyrenees, corsika, by mountainbiking, long distance cycling tours, nordic skiing...   :-)