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Messages - alichtman

Thanks. I am flying again tomorrow so I will try it. A. Lichtman
GENERAL / Automatic jump to next wp when in WptNav Mode
January 14, 2014, 10:54:27 AM

I am a new user of Oruxmaps and use it for flying. When in WptNav mode and flying along a pre-loaded route - I see that sometimes the displayed data in the Dashboard is of a waypoint I already passed, and the system does not jump automatically to the next waypoint.

1. Is it because I did not pass near enough to the waypoint? If so - how near do I need to be to it so the system recognizes that I

passed through that waypoint and will jump automatically to the next waypoint?

2. Is there a way to set the value of how near I need to be to a waypoint so it recognizes that I passed it?


A. Lichtman
GENERAL / Automatic jump to next wp when in WptNav Mode
January 13, 2014, 08:51:48 PM
Hello. I am a new user of OruxMaps and use it for flying. When in WptNav mode - I noticed that sometimes the displayed values in the Dashboard do not jump to the next way point, although I already flew beyond the previous wp and heading to the next one. I assume that it occurs when I do not exactly fly through the previous wp?!

If this is the case:

1. Is there a way to define a threshold that when you pass within this threshold radius (near a wp) - the values in the dashboard will jump to the next wp?

2. If not - how near to a wp one has to fly so the values in the dashboard will jump to the next wp?


A. Lichtman