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Messages - pfadfinder-outdoor

GENERAL / Re: 6.5.0b bug Ant+?
March 16, 2016, 05:43:19 PM

thank you for your time. It is working again.  :D

Deinstall all OM, saved all maps and routes, clean new  Install.

To much beta testing :?:

GENERAL / Re: 6.5.0b bug Ant+?
March 15, 2016, 12:46:14 PM

I installt several old betas and rc. I have to go back to 5.5.23rc2 and Ant+ is connecting without error message.

In the OM 6 it is like map view and TC1 are two different Apps. Because when you start Ant+ and switch to TC1 bevor

Ant+ is connected, it will not show the Error, but when you switch to map view it will show the error message.

The 6.5 final connects to Ant+ in map view, but stops Ant+ when you switch to TC1.

The rc6 connects to Ant+ in map view, shows the same error message when you switch to TC1, but will reconnect after 20 sec.

The 5.5.23rc2 connects to Ant+ in map view, when you switch to TC1 it also has to reconnect but without any error message.

However, it is maybe the old Sony Xperia Active and the Old Android-Version 4.0.4

No Problem, for the meantime I will stick with 6.5.0rc2.


GENERAL / Re: 6.5.0b bug Ant+?
March 11, 2016, 11:36:53 PM

I have a similar problem. I start ANT+ in 6.5 final in map view, works pefekt but when I switch to TC1 Ant+ signal gets lost and a error message says somthing like " Ant+ is running in a other app and has to be  switcht off" OM turns Ant+ off. The rc6 does the same error message when I switch to TC1, but it will not turn Ant+ off OM will reconnect after 20 seconds to Ant+ again and the cadence and speed will be shown. If I use only the heart rate sensor no error at all.

I only run one OM at a time. Hope I made it claer.

Sony xperia active.

March 30, 2014, 12:14:40 AM
Hi Orux,

is it possible to use the Speed from ANT+ sensor instead from GPS. Like the Altitude from DEM instead from GPS.

 And for the future it would be nice if oruxmaps could calculate the Power in Watt. Maybe a Bike only version. Check  out this site"> all the formulas for calculation and all parameters you need for calculation.

best regards
