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Messages - wudwork

I found part of problem. What appears as multiple copies of the overlay is in fact the datetime stamp for each breadcrumb. There are so many that it really fills up the screen and makes the overlay useless.  I did find a setting where I turned off the datetime stamp and that cleaned up overlay a lot. I still find the size of each breadcrumb is too large for my practical use. It was never like this before; namely the breadcrumbs were very small arrows that did not cover up the lines on the underlying map.

Is there a setting for size of breadcrumb icon ?

Thanx, Tom
I have v 5.5.16b

I have a bunch of .KMZ files in overlay folder on my SD card. For a long time, I was able to add these to my map. All of these files are approx. 60k or less.  I don't know when it started, but now when I open any of these, it goes into a "Processing" message for a few seconds then displays my KMZ but it looks like a 100+ copies are added on my screen (I used to only get 1 overlay, which is what I want). Basically a mess.  Any explanation ?  The KMZ overlay function is no longer usable because of this.

I took screenshot but don't know how to attach to this posting.

Please advise, thanx, Tom
I have Samsung Note II with latest Verizon updates, it is NOT rooted.

I simply hit checkbox for Smart Bluetooth and did the simple pairing process within Oruxmaps. It worked right away !

Note:  SmartBluetooth cannot be paired in Bluetooth settings of phone since the latest release of firmware, by Verizon, does not use it. You can only get the phone to see/pair when using a specific application that is smart enough to use Smart Bluetooth.


- At the hiking store, I paired a demo MIO Alpha and when I started the HRM it immediately displayed my heartrate; thats the good part. Knowing it works, with Orux, I bought one. This one also very quickly paired, in Orux, but would not display any heartrate info on dashboard. I could start the HRM and see the max/min/average icons I have setup on my dash, but they all remained at 0.  I re-paired it and tried every combination and no luck.  Using a suggestion from above, I deleted the orux program from my phone and reinstalled. Luckily I had saved my profile first; the reinstall found my profile and my dashboard settings were restored. Only after the re-install, and re-pairing, did the heartrate info show up on dashboard.