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Messages - maxxer

GENERAL / Photo waypoint in Garmin BaseCamp
June 28, 2017, 04:00:11 PM

I'm collecting some data with Orux for mountain path maintenance and OSM surveying. I just noticed that when I record a track taking photo waypoints and export it as KMZ it's perfectly visible in Google Earth, but if I open it in Garmin BaseCamp the images are not visible.

Is this a known issue?

GENERAL / Re: Exporting photo waypoints with image
April 11, 2017, 12:44:35 PM
I just noted it works on Google Earth, but it doesn't for Garmin BaseCamp. From what I can see the image tag is inserted as HTML into the waypoint's description, which is apparently ignored by BC. Is that a non-standard feature?
GENERAL / Re: Exporting photo waypoints with image
April 10, 2017, 07:00:57 PM
indeed. thanks!
GENERAL / Exporting photo waypoints with image
April 10, 2017, 11:48:37 AM

I need to take some photo waypoints around the way to later schedule path maintenance. It's very useful but when I export the track I've seen the waypoint is stored this way into the GPX file:

<wpt lat="45.8720753" lon="9.4195503">
    <om:oruxmapsextensions xmlns:om="">
      <om:ext type="ICON" subtype="0">3</om:ext>
      <om:ext type="IMAGEN" subtype="0">/storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps/pictures/OMIMG_20170406_201637.jpg</om:ext>

The image path is local to the phone, that means when it's exported on the computer it's not working.

How should this be dealt with? Images must be exported manually and path changed accordingly? Is there an automatic mode?

Quote from: "eartrumpet"We had several reports of this in the OAM forums as well, but I can't reproduce it. So this isn't a singular issue, but the reason is not really known...

oh, ok....

anything which can be done to test/improve the situation? thanks
When changing email or password a blacklist check is performed against AHBL, but this service has been shut down with the new year.

Please remove this check, it's currently not possible to change email or pw!

Hi. Few days ago I tried the maps install link from, OruxMaps started and completed, then it started installation but it never finished, and I've let it run ALL night long!

I must say that I was trying to install Alps, which is pretty huge (1G), but I have a rather good phone (Samsung GTI9300).

Is there any known limitation in this feature or should it gave completed successfully? Maybe a problem with free space? Thought I have several G available on the SD and the OruxMaps maps location is there?

ended up being a zoom issue, I was too far on the map to display the detail! :(

I LOVE OruxMaps, and since when I discovered openandromaps it's a killer app! I've been using these maps several times without issues, but since this morning my offline maps are unusable: if I select them and move the map Orux switches to the "world" map. In the map list my Alps map is colored in orange.

What does it mean?
