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Messages - Harmoniker

GENERAL / Re: kmz overlay don't work
February 09, 2014, 06:59:58 PM
OK. Nobody can help me.

Is there an overlay section in the OruxMaps manual? I can't find something like this...

I need informations about the functionality and the restrictions of the overlay functions of OruxMaps.


PS: Is this the official support forum?
GENERAL / kmz overlay don't work
February 02, 2014, 01:45:02 PM

I have created an overlay with google earth:"> ... ageoverlay">

and exported as an kmz file. And now I am try to load this overlay to oruxmaps.

It don't work. Are there any restrictions to the overlay functions of oruxmaps?

With my Garmin GPS device I can load this kmz overlay without problems...
