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Messages - tiriansdoor


I hope you can help. I'm trying to create a composite map that layers public land boundaries from the US Protected Areas Database. After adding the WMTS map to OruxMaps and trying to add it to a composite map, I receive the following error.

  • You can't overlap two maps if they have different projection

I looked for a parameter, hoping I could have the WMTS service convert the coordinate system. However, I don't know what the projection system reported by the error message is. It looks like it has a conversion formula in it.

Proj4j,+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs

Do any of you have any ideas on how I can work around this issue? The WMTS service specification says that the service "Supports Datum Transformation". Does that mean I could add a parameter to the service, to request a compatible projection? Any other ideas?

Here are the steps I used to add the WMTS map and create a composite map:

  • Discovered this map, which provides a layer with both US Federal and state public land boundaries:
  • Added a WMTS map to OruxMaps using these settings:
    HTTPS: (checked)
    Select layers: padus2_1_ManagerName
    Name: PAD-US ManagerName Layer
  • Verified that I could view the new WMTS map.
  • Clicked the "Add New Map" button, and chose "Composite Map"
  • Selected "USGS Topo (US)" in the "Select a layer" list.
  • Clicked "Add Layer"

  • Selected "WMTS:PAD-US ManagerName Layer" in the "Select a layer" list.
  • Changed "Select layer transparency" to 0.4
  • Clicked "Add Layer"
  • Result: The error mentioned above occurred.

Thank you,
