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Messages - Maptracker

I'm having the same problem. I set up a replacement phone. I was initially able to login to Google Drive, but the Oruxmaps backups were failing. I then deauthorised Google Drive in the Oruxmaps settings and tried to login again, but the login link does not do anything now.

Strangely, Oruxmaps continues to try to copy backups to Google Drive every day, but times out.
When following a track, when the estimated time of arrival goes past midnight, I think that the ETA shows how many days ahead the time is, eg +1 in front of the time.
But it does not take the time zone into account correctly.

For example if the time zone is 10h ahead of UTC, the time is currently 09:00 and the estimated time to end is 2 hours, the ETA shows +1 11:00.
The ETA should just show 11:00.
This issue still exists in version
If I view the statistics for a section/lap I've recorded, I expect it to show the statistics for that section only, not for the total of the recorded track.
This applies to the following statistics:

  • Pace
  • Max Pace
Also for some values shown in the total statistics, it seems to show the values for the most recent section instead of for the total track:

  • Ascent speed
  • Descent speed