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Messages - nauseouscrow

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Additional Tags in GPX Export
February 06, 2014, 05:28:58 AM
Hi orux,

My request is to provide distance-based recording of gps tracks for cycling. The speed sensor is used as odometer and written to the file. I know that .tcx supports the distance tag but I don't know about gpx. This is nice because if for example if i have a ferry ride in the middle of my ride I can stop recording and start again on the other side. When uploaded to strava only my actual riding distance is used.

Also It would be nice to have the elevation data recorded like garmin edge 500 and other devices where when uploaded to strava, strava knows not to correct it since these devices have barometer. This would be especially useful for phone that has barometer. Currently an activity uploaded to strava the elevation is automatically corrected. Crossing a bridge is not handled correctly. Or steep switchbacks with drifting gps data.

Other option that would be amazing would be able to split gpx/tcx files or tracks.

