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Messages - Bucky Kid

Hehe I really didn't. I can't imagine how it could be turned off. Thanks, it's solved.

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That's strange, I must be blind but I don't see the option in the category. What app version do you use?

I have available options Zoom options, Map orientation, Delay of automatic shift, Auto open maps, Reset caches,all....

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Hi, on new phone I'd like to share one maps storage on external sd card for more mapping applications.... I know Oruxmaps uses /sdcard/OruxMaps/mapfiles/ by default, but I prefer to save space in internal storage and use one common location on extSD instead - which is /storage/sdcard1/Maps/

I tried to walk through all preferences but didn't find anything like custom dir for naps. It'sa pity if the app can set up non-default dirs for other data like srtm tiles. Please advice how to make Oruxmaps scan that external location, thanks.

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GENERAL / Re: [Q} Changing vector maps style
May 23, 2015, 03:02:35 PM
Not exactly as you described but finally found it under menu -> Edit -> Mapsforge style - solved ;-) Thanks

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GENERAL / [Q} Changing vector maps style
May 20, 2015, 08:34:15 AM
Greetings, I didn't find way to switch between available vectormaps styles.

In settings / Mapsforge settings / Mapsforge styles I have set the appropriate folder