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Messages - pedja

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: onlinemapsources.xml does not work?
January 01, 2022, 02:24:11 AM
Quote from: Lenz on December 21, 2021, 05:47:41 PM
as far as I know, nothing is removed from the free version.

I noticed several functionalities that are removed with updates of 7.* branch.

If I remember correctly, Orux wrote a few sentences about the time intensive development of this great app not too long ago. I think the little money you have to pay for the GP or the Amazon version is more than justified. Not or slowly developing the free version is an understandable consequence.

I am not against paying, especially donations. But model it is going on is obviously not donationware any more. This is now commercial product but it is called donationware just to avoid any responsibility which goes with selling product.

- Did you refresh the online maps list after editing onlinemapsources.xml?

Of course.

- Is your new entry in onlinemapsources.xml correct?

Map entry is ok. AS I said, when I add wms map using + option in OnlineMaps within Oruxmaps, it works.

I have to do a correction. I wrongly specified onlinemapsources.xml file. It is actually wms_services.xml that does not work.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: onlinemapsources.xml does not work?
December 21, 2021, 10:37:39 AM
I have it all on internal storage.

If I understand properly, onlinemapsources.xml functionality is removed?

I noticed that it seems Oruxmaps is switched to forcing payment. More and more options are removed from free version.
I use 7.4.24
MAPAS/MAPS / onlinemapsources.xml does not work?
December 17, 2021, 09:32:21 AM
I edited onlinemapsources.xml but OruxMaps does not show changes, like I did nothing.

I tried using onlinemapsources.xml in oruxmaps/mapfiles and oruxmaps/mapfiles/customonlinemaps but it works in neither case.

When I add wms map using + option in OnlineMaps within Oruxmaps, map works but it does not show in onlinemapsources.xml.

I use OruxMaps v.7.4.24
December 17, 2021, 09:25:18 AM
Remove BBOX parameter completely from the URL. It would be added by oruxMaps.
OruxMaps allows creating composite maps by mixing offline and offline or online and online map layer.

It would be grate to have option to mix offline and online map as composite.
There is directory \oruxmaps\mapfiles\customonlinemaps where we can add custom online maps, but they have to be all in one file named onlinemapsources.xml.

Problem is if user downloads map info from several sites he then has to manually edit and merge content on each update.

It would be more practical that we can have more files in this directory and Oruxmaps loads (and merges all of them).

That would also allow mapservices to offer for their users to download {mapservicename}.xml that would contain online map source configuration for that specific service. User would then just save that in \oruxmaps\mapfiles\customonlinemaps and get it working instead having to mess with editing and merging XML data.
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OruxMaps allows large number of maps to be loaded (online and offline). They are grouped for easier access but still it is not easy to get to the wanted map. Each tiem user needs to switch map he has to scroll through the list of maps and folders to get to the needed map.

In practice, most users usually switch among very few of the maps so it would be great to have an option for user to select those few maps and have them separated for easier access, like having them at the top of the map list or in separate menu.
Quote from: lneam on October 01, 2021, 02:18:21 PM
if you don't like the apps to making auto update, you can visit playstore settings and disable the "auto update"

Have you at least read what dm413-om said?
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: OruxMaps does not record track
August 24, 2021, 09:33:22 AM
Tried that but with no success.

Actually, after several reinstalls it come to sense and became operational as expected.
ERRORES/BUGS / OruxMaps does not record track
August 02, 2021, 09:19:49 AM
I just installed OruxMaps v.7.4.23 at new phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 11) and found out that it does not record tracks.

I did set Battery and Location optimizations and access but it does not seem to matter, especially, because OruxMaps does not record tracks even when it is active on screen.

It does communicate with GPS (shows movements as expected), it just does not show red line for track and does not record track points. Start waypoint on beginning of the track shows up.

Maybe I missed some setting?
August 19, 2020, 09:37:08 AM
OruxMaps has limited support for using APRS for location exchange. Main drawback is that it depends on internet services and requires Internet connection to send APRS message.

There is free and open source application APRSDroid that deals with APRS but supports radio connection too (which is the main purpose of APRS). APRSDoid offers Inter-App API which allows other application on the same Android device to use APRSDRoid to send and receive APRS messages.

It would be great if OruxMaps uses this Inter-App API as that would allow internet independent location sharing. This would be very useful for situations when Internet is not available as in rural places with no mobile phone network coverage or if mobile network is down (emergency situations). Check
NextGIS GMS contains large list of online map layer sources. All free. API is available. It would be great if OruxMaps can use it.
MAPAS/MAPS / Converting OruxMaps map to something else
August 20, 2019, 05:42:32 PM
I have map that I prepared for OruxMaps long time ago. I cannot find source map that I used to create it.

I need to use this map in other program to. It would help if I can convert to any other popular map format.

 Is there tool that can do it, or at least documentation that explains OruxMaps map structure so I can try to convert on my own?