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Messages - Sandy

GENERAL / Re: OruxMaps and BRouter
February 22, 2025, 11:49:52 PM
Quote from: Lenz on February 22, 2025, 08:05:31 AMHi Sandy,
you can rename brouter's profiles to your preferred language with a file manager app. The profiles are stored in Android/media/btools.routingapp/brouter/profiles2

Thank you - I tried it with v.11.0.0beta10 of OruxMaps now, there it works with renaming the profile filenames. I appreciate to have the choice to use these different profiles. However, maybe @orux nevertheless could also integrate a "bicycle trekking" profile to his "OruxMaps profiles" that are pre-configured, so that "newbies" / people who don't want to change anything in configuration also directly can choose a trekking profile for cycling.
GENERAL / Re: OruxMaps and BRouter
February 21, 2025, 04:18:55 PM
Thanks a lot  :)
Just de-selecting "Use OruxMaps profiles for Brouter" brings back the old selections like "Bicycling / shortest", and if you activate "Show all Brouter profiles" instead, you get a much bigger list for selection, similar to what you can choose on brouter-web or Only tiny drawback in this case is that this list always is in English language, whereas selecting none of these checkboxes or OruxMaps profiles shows the options in your local language (the language you selected in OruxMaps configuration).
GENERAL / Re: OruxMaps and BRouter
February 21, 2025, 12:18:40 AM
In OruxMaps v.7.4.28 (and older) there was the option "bicycle / shortest", which used a profile for TREKKING bicycles in BRouter.

Now in the recent OruxMaps versions I just have the choice between racing bicycle and mountainbike. How can I use the old TREKKING bicycle profile for route calculation in BRouter again?

Could you include this as option to select in OruxMaps as well please? Many families with children, people cycling in cities and also older people use TREKKING bicycles, I would bet in total these are way more than racing bicycles and mountainbike users.
BETAS / Re: New beta version 8.2.x
June 28, 2021, 03:36:13 AM
Hello, on the download-page the version 7.4.23 is shown as "current version", but on Google Play it's 8.1.10. Why isn't version 8.1.10 available on the download-page?