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Messages - tvik

I noticed that this is implemented in a similar way in beta. It would be great to have a button to toggle between manual/graphhopper mode, since it now routes as you go, and not the whole route at once, like earlier.

Thanks for implementing this feature.
Thanks. Just tested it. Works great in beta.
When using search route tool, sometimes there is a small missing piece of the path in the middle of the route you are planning. In other words in the map data used by the auto routers. This results in broken routes, since the routers find a very long loop around to get past a few meters off-path distance.

In garmin basecamp you can toggle route / direct mode to get around this problem. Not sure if possible to do the same thing in Oruxmaps? Alternatively If distance between two points in the route is less than 20m (or something), make it a direct line, regardless of data in the map the routers use.

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Save route to database.
July 23, 2021, 05:08:05 PM
When you create a new route from search route tool, it is not saved to internal db. If you use create route tool, it does. Very inconvenient to have to export the route and import it again, to have it in the database.

Same goes for gpx file opened with orux from a different application, for example download from internet. Orux opens route/track, but no way to save it to database, without export / import.
