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Messages - NuevoMexicoUSA

"Force a backup" over mobile

Android GDrive "Activity" for oruxmaps_tracks_bk folder showed that I uploaded two files: the Orux database and a new KML for the ride.

But these new files did not show up in the folder until some time later.

An odd behavior having to do with streaming of files? My mobile was temporarily slow so that may have caused the issue.
Before Android 10: Easy access with FolderSync, X-plore, etc.

Android 11: Access to new path like this is blocked:

"Routes, tracks directory: Where the routes and tracks are stored: (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ com.orux.oruxmaps Donate/files/ oruxmaps/tracklogs/)

Solution: I installed an SD card on my phone

Android 12: Internal storage access is now totally blocked with the latest security updates.

And I got a new phone with no SD card: these are disappearing from phones rapidly.

Note: You can always access the phone storage through a USB cable, e.g. to load very large mapfiles.

The path will look something like this:

This PC\Pixel 6a\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.orux.oruxmapsDonate\files\oruxmaps\mapfiles

For more convenient access, such as for uploading tracks, you have to use a Cloud option:

. Orux site: I have never been able to get this to work

. Strava: I use the app and a free account to track maintenance. Can tracks be downloaded?

. MapMyTracks: can't download tracks from this site?

. GpsGate: fleet tracking?

Fortunately, Google Drive Backups works well...

Settings->Integration: "How this works: The app copies your Tracks database and the files inside your tracks folder to a folder in selected Drive account. By the moment only Tracks are copied, not maps or other resources. You can restore those files if you lose your Tracks.

If you press "Force a backup" you should get an alert from Android (assuming Orux has alert permissions) like this: "OruxMaps: Drive backup successful"

* It may take a few tries and restarting Orux

Tracks will begin to appear in: "My Drive > oruxmaps_bk"

* No choice of folder name or location, but it works!

How to install resources?

"Settings > App storage" > "Select the type of resource..." and the dropdown includes Maps, Routes, Overlays, etc. Google Drive can be accessed. This will of course use wifi or mobile.

How to install Mapsforge styles?

Elevate, "Quick install in Android", restarted Orux, works!

How to install preferences?

There does not seem to be any way except copying through USB to a path that looks something like this:

This PC\Pixel 6a\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.orux.oruxmapsDonate\files\oruxmaps

I figured out what causes this problem.

If you click on a downloaded KML file with an Android file browser and "Open with OruxMaps" Just once / Always, this makes the overlay persistent.

I cannot remove it from Orux by deleting the file, clearing, restarting, etc. The only thing that works is reinstalling Orux.
Quote from: Lenz on March 24, 2022, 08:50:41 PM
Hello NuevoMexicoUSA

I already did an uninstall and reinstall

The data directories were not changed and I quickly loaded the Profile I had saved off (I copy these to GDrive, but the file was not removed during the reinstall)

This only took a few minutes and everything works perfectly now, with Orux's unique interpretation of KML "layers" being turned on and off with a long press

I would guess the quote below still applies


2012: "kml is a very complex format, with a lot of tags. but I will work in the future with more tags (including styles)
Quote from: Tronpo on March 24, 2022, 08:37:24 AMHola

Hola. Please see attached image for current menu structure.

>> Map icon / layer options / clear layer: I think you mean "Remove Overlay"? Yes. I have tried this many times.

>> Actually a track? No, it is a KML that was never a track.

Google Translate:

Hello, have you tried the clean layers option?

Map icon / layer options / clear layer.

Perhaps it may be that you do not have the kml loaded as a layer (overlay) and you have it loaded as a track.

You can check in "adjust layers" all the kml that you have activated as an overlay.
v855 GP

I have an old KML overlay I cannot get rid of. I have tried the following several times:

Keep KML overlays (Restore KML overlays after restarting the app) = OFF

Delete KML cache (Remove KML icons cached) = Did this

Overlay options: Remove Overlay: Chose this. It says "Removed all overlays" but there is still an overlay.

Any ideas? Maybe I will have to uninstall and reinstall with my settings file.

If there are multiple overlays loaded...

"Keep KML overlays" only restores one overlay

Thank you
Thank you very much :)
I have exactly the same problem. I tried your suggestion. Yes, if I do an Export then the data does appear in the index.html file inside the folder that is created.

However, it was very convenient to simply drag the KML file in "Orux Tracks" into Google Earth and have the statistics appear when I click on the KML.

BTW, I use the "FolderSync" app to synchronize Oruxmaps "Orux Tracks" and "OruxOverlays" directory with Google Drive. This lets me use the files on all my computers.

BTW2, Oruxmaps is very impressive and much appreciated. I have donated :)
I have exactly the same problem. I tried your suggestion. Yes, if I do an Export then the data does appear in the index.html file inside the folder that is created.

However, it was very convenient to simply drag the KML file in "Orux Tracks" into Google Earth and have the statistics appear when I click on the KML.

BTW, I use the "FolderSync" app to synchronize Oruxmaps "Orux Tracks" and "OruxOverlays" directory with Google Drive. This lets me use the files on all my computers.

BTW2, Oruxmaps is very impressive and much appreciated. I have donated :)