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Messages - baeckus

GENERAL / Orux and Windows Mobile
November 04, 2015, 07:45:35 AM

Iwill leave Android in next future by switching to Windows Mobile.

There is no new Android Samrtphone on the market that I like.

I will only miss one app and that is the wonderfull Orux App, that I use all day.

Orux is the best outdoorapp of all mobile plattforms and I used most of the apps.

If you transfer your app to Windows by using the "Project Astoria":">//

all my problems would be solved. :D

Is there anything planned?

Ciao baeckus
ERRORES/BUGS / No connection to "VeloHero"
January 25, 2015, 08:33:54 AM

I can not connect to "VeloHero" - he always tells me that the connection to "Everytrail" failed.

But I had chosen the connection to Velohero in the dropdown menue.

Is it a bug or is the door to "Velohero" closed.

Ciao baeckus
GENERAL / Re: I´m missing some track announcements
March 12, 2014, 07:53:16 AM
Thanks a lot - youre great!

Ciao baeckus

Tanks that is the solution!!

Ciao baeckus
GENERAL / I´m missing some track announcements
March 10, 2014, 03:27:15 PM

I´m using Orux since some years an I think it grows to a very good application.

Now Ive got am problem with the announcements.

Since last summer I´m missing some parts of the announcements while routing.

The friendly german lady tells me how long my actual track is, how many kilometers I walked , but not the time of the track and how long it will be to the end of the route.

I don´t know if I manipulated something or if these functions got lost in a further version.

But I like these annoncements so Iwould be happy to get them back - plus the annoncement of the actual time - that would be very nice.

Can anybody help me?

Ciao baeckus
GENERAL / I´m missing some track announcements
March 10, 2014, 03:25:16 PM

I´m using Orux since some years an I think it grows to a very good application.

Now Ive got am problem with the announcements.

Since last summer I´m missing some parts of the announcements while routing.

The friendly german lady tells me how long my actual track is, how many kilometers I walked , but not the time of the track and how long it will be to the end of the route.

I don´t know if I manipulated something or if these functions got lost in a further version.

But I like these annoncements so Iwould be happy to get them back - plus the annoncement of the actual time - that would be very nice.

Can anybody help me?

Ciao baeckus
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Map direction while standing
March 10, 2014, 03:16:01 PM

Would it be possible to use an internal compass to turn/direct the map while standing at the same position.

I think it was possible in a further version.

Ciao baeckus