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Messages - sontro


every time I tried with the new beta (3-4 times in all) both bpm and cadence were correctly exported to the file. Thanks!



Some additional info regarding this issue.

When I perform actions in the following order it is working correctly ie both HRM and cadence are saved to the gpx file: start HRM, start recording a track, start ANT+/pedometer.

In case I start HRM and ANT+/pedometer (the order doesn't seem to matter here) before starting to record a track, only cadence data is saved as explained in the previous post.



thanks for correcting ANT+ Stride Sensor cadence export to gpx, looks like it is working in the latest beta version.

Unfortunately another issue came up.

When I connect both ANT+ Strider Sensor (using Start ANT+ / Pedometer) and BTLE HRM (using Start HRM) I see data coming from both on the dashboard.

GPX export, on the other hand, contains only the cadence data while HRM data is not present.

When I open the gpx file I see empty bpm oruxmapsextensions tag



 and trackpoints without gpxtpx:hr extension:

<trkpt lat=... lon=...>






This omission happened 5 out of 6 times so far, only the first time both om:bpm data, gptpx:hr and gpxtpx:cad were written in the file.

When tracking I am trying to gather as much data as possible using the following GPS/HRM settings: GPS minimum time: 0, GPS Minimum distance 5 meters, Accuracy for position fix: 50m, Heart Monitor Time between measurements: 0.


April 01, 2014, 07:56:15 AM

I support the idea of exploring the use of ANT+ speed.

Another usecase comes to mind, ANT+ speed could be to used instead of GPS in case GPS is lost (temporarily or during indoor training).


Great, thanks!

It would be great if you can also make cadence available on the statistics screen, particularly the graphics part.



thank you for this very useful application.

I would like to report an issue regarding gpx export of cadence (and other?) data from ANT+ Stride Sensor.

I am using Orux 5.5.18 with Garmin ANT+ foot pod (IpSensorMan shows it's type as Stride S&D) and Suunto MoveStick Mini USB adapter for walking and running. ANT USB Service, ANT Radio Service and ANT Plugins are installed from play store.

When I connect USB adapter and start ANT+ and select pedometer I get a connecton and I can see ANT+ data in the dashboard (Speed, Distance, Stride and Cadence). Unfortunately none of this is saved in the gpx track.

The only way I get cadence data in the gpx file was when I simultaneously choose both pedometer and bike speed (or pedometer and bike speed/cadence) when starting ANT+ but in this case ANT+ connection drops after 5 seconds after starting a track and continues disconnecting and reconnecting from there on.

No ANT+ IDs are automatically configured ie they are all set to 0.
