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Messages - BosseB


I finally discovered the refresh "button" which made the new map file recognized.

Another question regarding maps:

I downloaded the World_OSM map and installed it too.

Now I have a problem because OruxMaps seems to prefer this map even though it is not as detailed as the specific maps I have downloaded for areas of interest to me.

Is there a way to tell OruxMaps to use the World_OSM map only if there is no specific map for the area???

I have installed OruxMaps into my Samsung Galaxy S4Mini in order to use it for tracking my walks when I visit Austria next month.

At home I can use MyTracks but since I won't have a data connection on my phone in Austria I need off-line maps.

In the webpage I found reference to OpenAndroMaps where I could download maps for the Alp region, Austria and Sweden.

But these downloads just contain a map file and not what is described in the OruxMaps manual (db and xml files).

So how can I use these maps in OruxMaps???

Please be specific in how I can activate them because I don't really get the methods in many of the tutorials on the web. They refer to menu items that are simply not found in my version of OruxMaps...

I have put the map files into subfolders in the mapfiles folder and I have waited for an hour or so, but still no maps are listed when I gop to the switchmap menu....