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Messages - XTR71

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: SMS with position
April 17, 2016, 03:45:45 PM
Yes, that would be very useful in regions with unreliable network.

For example I plan to do hiking tours on Tenerife, alone. In many regions there isn't any network deep in the forest.

So with an every-10-min-sms (or every-1-km-sms) I could provide the best possible GPS tracking to my wife (waiting at the hotel) automatically.
A small bug in 5.5.18 and 5.5.19b12 of this GREAT app:


This is a screen shot of Atlanta, Georgia, with one of 1300 IHOP-wpts of the US, GM-zoom 13:">

The existing wp is:

<wpt lat="33.773439" lon="-84.373286"><name>IHOP #2084 - Atlanta, GA</name>

The screen shot also shows descriptions of wp in California and Texas with nearly the same latitude:

<wpt lat="33.809896" lon="-117.915134"><name>IHOP #933 - Anaheim, CA</name>

<wpt lat="33.788363" lon="-117.963215"><name>IHOP #903 - Garden Grove, CA</name>

<wpt lat="33.761214" lon="-96.58615"><name>IHOP #1953 - Denison, TX</name>

(I've no idea, why this one from Boston is shown:  <wpt lat="42.626185" lon="-71.269053"><name>IHOP #4767 - Tewksbury, MA</name>

On other zoom levels, some other wpts are seen (levels 14+15):">">

The problem disappears in GM-level 11:">

Way points were imported via route-import.