Thank you. I had 100m. I will now try 20m.
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GENERAL / GPS jitter when indoors or in tunnels
March 19, 2022, 06:56:31 PM
I have a new phone (Samsung S22 Ultra, the newest high-end model), and when I am indoors or in tunnels, Oruxmaps records horrible jitters, presumably because the GPS signal is unstable. My previous phone (Samsung Note 10) did not do that. I suppose that it can be reduced in the settings, by specifying the minimal sensitivity of the GPS fix, but I don't know how to do that. Can you please advise?
GENERAL / change default naming of recorded tracks?
August 28, 2021, 06:36:41 PM
The recorded tracks are named by default according to the datetime of the start. Is there any way to customize the naming? Thanks in advance!
GENERAL / Re: cacheing online maps
March 10, 2018, 04:30:10 PM #5
GENERAL / cacheing online maps
March 10, 2018, 01:38:42 PM #6
GENERAL / Re: export ANT+ data?
June 01, 2014, 08:16:21 PMSent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
GENERAL / Re: export ANT+ data?
June 01, 2014, 07:53:34 PMSent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
GENERAL / Re: export ANT+ data?
June 01, 2014, 03:38:57 PM #9
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: millisecs in GPX file format?
May 25, 2014, 12:25:11 PMCode Select
import re
from string import Formatter
import time
import datetime
from time import strftime,strptime
from datetime import timedelta
import array
import matplotlib
from numpy import *
import scipy
from pylab import *
#Equations for Determination of Calorie Burn if VO2max is Unknown
#Male: ((-55.0969 + (0.6309 x HR) + (0.1988 x W) + (0.2017 x A))/4.184) x 60 x T
#Female: ((-20.4022 + (0.4472 x HR) - (0.1263 x W) + (0.074 x A))/4.184) x 60 x T
#HR = Heart rate (in beats/minute)
#W = Weight (in kilograms)
#A = Age (in years)
#T = Exercise duration time (in hours)
def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt):
f = Formatter()
d = {}
l = {'Y': 31536000, 'D': 86400, 'H': 3600, 'M': 60, 'S': 1}
k = map( lambda x: x[1], list(f.parse(fmt)))
rem = int(tdelta.total_seconds())
for i in ('Y', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S'):
if i in k and i in l.keys():
d[i], rem = divmod(rem, l[i])
return f.format(fmt, **d)
def getSec(s):
l = s.split(':')
return int(l[0]) * 3600 + int(l[1]) * 60 + int(l[2])
# constants
HeartRates = open ("C:\Users\aag\Documents\Python\HeartRates.txt", "w")
gpxLinesList = [line.split(',') for line in open("C:\Users\aag\Documents\Python\test2.gpx")]
a= 0
previousHeartTime = 0
indexMultipleHR =0
indexGpx = 0
indexGpxHr =0
heartRateValue =0
weightAA = 92
birthdayAA = datetime.datetime(1960, 12, 1)
today =
ageAA = 53 # strfdelta(today - birthdayAA,"{Y}")
heartRateMatrix2D = []
heartRateMatrix3D = []
listHR = []
listHrTimeStamp = []
listHrInterval = []
for eachLine in gpxLinesList:# iterate through each line of the GPX file
indexGpx +=1
matchHrLine = re.match(r"[[].d{1,}sd{4}[-]d{2}[-]d{2}[T]d{2}[:]d{2}[:]d{2}[Z]", str(eachLine))
if matchHrLine: # if finds a line containing heart rate information
indexGpxHr +=1
heartTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str( [-20:-1]) , '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # extract timestamp
if previousHeartTime == 0 :
oneSec = timedelta(seconds=1)
previousHeartTime = heartTime-oneSec # for the 1st line, assume 1 second lag
heartTimeInterval = int((heartTime - previousHeartTime).total_seconds()) # lag from previous measurememt
matchHeartRate ="[[].d{1,}s", str( # match heart rate
heartRateValue = int(str([2:])) # extract heart rate
#print(indexGpx, indexGpxHr, heartTime, heartRateValue, previousHeartTime, heartTimeInterval)
previousHeartTime = heartTime
heartRateLine = [heartRateValue, heartTime, heartTimeInterval]#
#print (heartRateLine)
listHR.append(heartRateValue) # now populate lists
#print (heartRateMatrix2D)
arrayHR = asarray(listHR)
arrayHrTimeStamp = asarray(listHrTimeStamp)
print (ageAA, arrayHR, min(arrayHR), max(arrayHR), mean(arrayHR), std(arrayHR))
# use of hist()
# matplotlib.pyplot.hist(x, bins=10, range=None,
# normed=False, weights=None, cumulative=False, bottom=None,
# histtype='bar', align='mid', orientation='vertical', rwidth=None,
# log=False, color=None, label=None, stacked=False, hold=None, **kwargs)
n, bins, patches = hist(arrayHR, 10, normed=1, histtype='stepfilled')
#setp(patches, 'facecolor', 'g', 'alpha', 0.75)
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: millisecs in GPX file format?
May 25, 2014, 06:08:01 AMAnt+ and bt sensors transmits a packet of data at most once a second, so it's useless to know exactly when the data was received, since the HR number orux get is just an average over 1 second calculated by the sensor itself.Quote from: "fabrylama"
Oh really? Because here I am copying an excerpt from yesterday's GPX file, which clearly shows 5 or more ANT+ records per second (from a chest strap) . Hence there is no doubt that >1 packets/sec are received.
I am writing a Python script which does some interesting number-crunching on these data, which I shall be happy to post once it's functional.
Code Select
99 2014-05-24T11:48:26Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:26Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:26Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:26Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:27Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:27Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:27Z
99 2014-05-24T11:48:28Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:28Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:28Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:28Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:28Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:29Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:29Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:29Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:29Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:30Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:30Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:30Z
100 2014-05-24T11:48:30Z
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / millisecs in GPX file format?
May 24, 2014, 11:13:33 AM #12
GENERAL / Re: export ANT+ data?
May 13, 2014, 11:39:53 AMSent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
GENERAL / export ANT+ data?
May 11, 2014, 08:28:10 PMmany thanks!
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Orux -> Myfitnesspal
May 10, 2014, 08:59:26 PMPages1