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Messages - Georg

okay - thanks the first steps are working, but about the "cero and wrong" altitude because of loosing gps-connection still there...  

I did try to correct the path with"> but than the timestamp is completing wrong/lost - any other suggestion or programm?

Thanks in advance and by the way, now I really have to do a smale donation, because Orux is even if the usabiliity is not so easy, BUT the best outdoor programm ever.


Hey may be I was not completly correct in my typing, its not only the altitude - in a valley the signal often jumps from left to right, north-west whatever ... any programm I can correct this clearly.


is it possible to correct a track (distance, altidude) because after 9 houers I had to change my battery and lost gps in the narrow valley - so the track is not correct anymore.

I was thinking its safer to have two track of one route - after changing the aku-pack - is it possible to merge two tracks?

thanks in advance, georg