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Messages - Alamyr

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 13, 2024, 12:20:37 PM
Quote from: LaurentG on January 09, 2024, 06:27:21 PM

And I have just manually created a coarse road on horseback on two maps (and exceeding in each of them the recovery area), and at least at the display, no problem, I always see the entire road.

Hello Laurent
I did the same.
I start my track on a map without seeing in advance the land  that is beyond. Ultimately is normal, since you can't load a card manually.
It is when the creation reach the edge, the following card appears. Ok but we created a card without ever having a global view.
Once it is finished, the request display of the route does not trigger any overall card.
If I want to launch the follow -up of a route, I only see the corresponding card at the beginning and so I'm going to hike without seeing her map as a whole. And that is really penalizing.
Is that what you see?
Have a Good day
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: WMTS server connection problem
January 13, 2024, 11:52:02 AM
Quote from: Tronpo on January 12, 2024, 03:08:20 PM
Hello, if you have the same version of Oruxmaps on both devices the difference between the menus is It's probably because you're using different interfaces in each one.
In settings you can see which interface you are using and configure the one you like the most. (screenshot)

Regarding the wmts I can't help you, do you know if it is operational?, can you Share  it to check?.

When the map maker tool is grayed out, it's because it can't be used, not all maps allow download.
Hello Tronpo,
Thank you for taking an interest in my problem
I will follow your indications to synchronize the interfaces.
Regarding WMTS, I had already carried out this operation two years ago to create my offline cards.
The screen copy attached to my original message provides the result of my connection request to the IGN France source (National Institute of Geographic Information).
This request returns an error which could mean an error of the IGN server or a refusal of Oruxmaps (which would be a restriction in relation to what was possible a few years ago) or an error on my part (unlikely because I reproduce what I have already done two or three years ago)
To obtain the France card at 1/25,000, you must register with the IGN which then provides a link containing your personal access key
Just introduce this link, the card is displayed then it is (was) possible to use the creator function of Orumaps cards to extract cards according to the desired geographic coverage.
This is what I can no longer reproduce.
I wonder if the Oruxmaps trade policy (which sells its own cards) has not deleted this WMTS possibility for certain sources.
But how to know it

MAPAS/MAPS / WMTS server connection problem
January 10, 2024, 05:59:45 PM
Hello everyone,
It's been two years since I last used Oruxmaps.
I just started using the application again and there are things that are causing me problems.
The application was already installed on my smartphone and I just installed it on my Android tablet.
1- I notice that the menus are not identical on the two devices.
For example, I have a "map index" function in "Map Tools" on my mobile that I do not have on my tablet
2- I can no longer use the WMTS function that I used two years ago to create offline maps from the IGN France collection. The connection request from my mobile returns an "error while reading WMTS capabilities"
It's the same thing from my tablet on which I also notice that in "Map tools", the "Offline map creator from an online source" function is grayed out and therefore not usable.
What does that mean ?
thank you in advance for your help
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 09, 2024, 05:15:48 PM
Bonjour Laurent,
Merci infiniment pour toutes ces informations,
Il me falloir un peu de temps pour me remettre à niveau et revoir ce qui concerne Mobac.
Effectivement, j'ai comparé plus attentivement la carte IGN au 1/25000 et la carte Mapforge et j'ai constaté qu'il manquait beaucoup de détails ainsi que les courbes de niveau.
Je vais donc revenir à aux cartes IGN sachant tout de même qu'on ne connait pas leur fraicheur de mise à jour, ce qui laisse toujours un doute sur l'actualité des chemins signalés.
Tu penses que le système de transition entre les cartes ne pose pas de problème.
Je constate que si on randonne sur un parcours défini qui couvre deux cartes, lorsque on arrive vers le bord de la première carte, on ne voit pas la suite du parcours sur la carte suivante tant que la position GPS ne s'y trouve pas.
Es tu d'accord la dessus ou alors quelque chose m'a échappé ?
S'il n'est pas possible de voir le parcours complet, je trouve que cela est très gênant et qu'Oruxmaps devrait améliorer ça.
Comme tu le suggères,j'ai effectivement défini une plage de recouvrement entre mes cartes lorsque je les ai créées. Cela ne change rien au problème.
En tous cas merci encore pour ton aide

Hello Laurent,
Thank you very much for all this information,
I need some time to get back up to review Mobac.
Indeed, I compared more carefully the IGN map at 1/25000 and the Mapforge map.
I noticed that a lot of details were missing as well as the contour lines.
I will therefore return to the IGN maps knowing that we do not know their updating freshness, which always leaves doubt about the actuality of the paths indicated.
You think that the transition system between cards does not present difficulties.
I notice that if you hike on a defined route that covers two maps, when you arrive towards the edge of the first map, you do not see the rest of the route on the next map until the GPS position is there.
Do you agree on that or am I missing something?
If it is not possible to see the complete route, I find it very annoying and that Oruxmaps should improve this.
As you suggest, I actually defined an overlap range between my maps when I created them. This doesn't change the problem.
In any case, thanks again for your help.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 08, 2024, 06:09:25 PM
Quote from: LaurentG on January 08, 2024, 05:43:08 PM
De fait, j'utilise donc à la base les mêmes cartes que toi, celles de l'IGN.
Mais contrairement à toi, je ne les extraits pas avec OruxMaps lui-même, mais avec MOBAC, sur un ordinateur portable, au format MBTiles SQlite (qui est le format à préférer selon @Orux himself.
Et en plus, contrairement à toi, je vais même jusqu'au niveau de zoom 16 (qui a lui seul génère 4 fois plus de données que le niveau 15).
Et pourtant mes cartes de environ 100Km x 100Km (soit 10000 Km², pas 40...) ne font que environ 1 Giga chacune (ou un tout petit peu plus).

Alors pourquoi les tiennes feraient 2 Giga pour 40 Km² ? Je ne vois qu'une raison possible (probable, même !) c'est si tu extrais les tuiles en format PNG au lieu de JPeg.

Effectivement, OruxMaps ne passe d'une carte à l'autre que quand on sort d'une carte, mais si tu as fait en sorte que les différentes cartes aient une zone de recouvrement (chez moi, elles se recouvrent sur +/- 15 KM), ce n'est pas gênant.
t je ne vois pas quel est le problème qui t'empêcherait de créer un parcours à cheval sur plusieurs cartes ? Ca marche très bien.

Si u veux plus d'info sur MOBAC, je te suggère d'aller voir le site de Nicolas Paour, en français, très bien fait :

In fact, I therefore use the same maps as you, those of the IGN.
But unlike you, I do not extract them with Oruxmaps itself, but with Mobac, on a laptop, in Mbtiles Sqlite format (which is the format to be preferred according to @orux himself.
And in addition, unlike you, I even go to the level of zoom 16 (which alone generates 4 times more data than level 15).
And yet my maps of about 100km x 100km (or 10,000 km², not 40 ...) are only about 1 giga each (or a little bit more).

So why would yours make 2 giga for 40 km²?I only see a possible reason (likely, even!) It is if you extract the tiles in PNG format instead of JPEG.

Indeed, Oruxmaps only goes from one card to the other only when you leave a card, but if you have made sure that the different cards have a cover area (at home, they overlap on +/- 15Km), it is not embarrassing.
t I don't see what is the problem that would prevent you from creating a journey straddling several cards?It works very well.

If u want more info on Mobac, I suggest you go to see the site of Nicolas Def, in French, very well done:

Concernant le format png ou jpeg, je n'en sais rien car la fonction d'extraction d'Oruxmaps génère une database qu'il n'est pas possible d'examiner.
Il y a bien longtemps, j'ai utilisé Mobac mais cette opération avait fini par être blacklistée, du moins à l'époque.
J'avais alors pris connaissance de l'opération possible avec WMTS qui permet à Oruxmaps d'accéder au fonds IGN et d'extraire des cartes. C'est extrêmement pratique et très facile d'utilisation.
J'ai un peu exagéré la taille de mon dossier cartes, il fait 39 cartes pour 1,3 Giga sachant que je couvre le secteur qui va de la Camargue jusqu'à Cerbère (face maritime et arrière pays) ce qui fait une sacré surface.
Mais, ma question ne se pose plus guère après la découverte que je viens de faire avec la carte Mapforge du Languedoc Roussillon qui est la copie conforme de l'Ign au 1/25000ème

Regarding the png or jpeg format, I don't know because the Oruxmaps extraction function generates a database that cannot be examined.
A long time ago, I used Mobac but it ended up being blacklisted, at least at the time.
I then became aware of the possible operation with WMTS which allows Oruxmaps to access the IGN collection and extract maps. It is extremely practical and very easy to use.
I have exaggerated the size of my map folder a little, it makes 39 maps for 1.3 Giga knowing that I cover the sector which goes from the Camargue to Cerbère (seaside and hinterland) which is a large area .
But, my question hardly arises anymore after having discovered the Mapforge map of Languedoc Roussillon included in Oruxmaps and which is the exact copy of the Ign at 1/25000
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 08, 2024, 05:44:34 PM
I stayed on version 6 or 7 of Oruxmaps which did not offer any detailed IGN type maps which led me to create my own maps
By installing the latest version 10, I see that a lot of things have changed.
In particular, I see that it is now possible to load a Mapforge map in offline mode and that it corresponds to the 1/25000 IGN map of Languedoc-Roussillon that I had built.
If I give up my own maps and use this new option, the question of this post no longer arises
Nevertheless, I think that the question of being able to open and maintain several cards displayed jointly is worth asking
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 08, 2024, 12:16:17 PM
Quote from: Tronpo on January 06, 2024, 06:35:06 PM
In global>map settings, > add x and margin

Maybe it's the solution
Or make a composite map with ambis offline maps

Thank you Tronpo for answering my question.
But could you be more precise because my knowledge of Oruxmaps does not allow me to understand what you are suggesting
1 - Sorry but I can't find "global>map settings, > add x and margin"
2 - Indeed, that could be a solution but I don't know what an ambis card is, a function specific to Oruxmaps or an external application?
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 08, 2024, 11:15:11 AM
Bonjour Laurent,
Ca faisait pas mal de temps que je n'avais pas utilisé Oruxmaps et j'ai du faire appel à mes souvenirs pour comprendre le pourquoi de mes cartes de 40km2. Effectivement, la raison n'était une question d'encombrement de la mémoire du smartphone.
En fait, j'ai créé ces cartes à partir du fonds de l'IGN en utilisant la fonction WMTS qui ouvre la carte générale IGN au 25.000ème et permet de fabriquer et télécharger ses propres cartes offline avec le Créateur de carte d'Oruxmaps.
Pour créer une carte de la région sur laquelle je fais mes randonnées avec un niveau de grossissement de 15 afin de voir les sentiers de randonnée, il faut compter plus de 2 Giga à télécharger. Impossible.
J'ai donc choisi de fragmenter la carte désirée en dalles contigües de 40Km2 qui me semblait être la bonne taille opérationnelle. Cela représente une trentaine de cartes offline d'environ 70.000Ko chacune.
Lorsque je suis en randonnée, c'est bien la carte du point gps où je me situe qui s'affiche et il faut attendre que ma position sorte de la carte pour que l'autre s'affiche.
Même si cette disposition reste gérable sur le terrain, il me semblerait tellement plus pratique et logique que l'application Oruxmaps propose une fonction permettant de commander manuellement le chargement et l'affichage des cartes voisines.
Je croyais d'ailleurs que c'était possible.
Là où cette fonction manque le plus, c'est quand on crée un parcours qui chevauche deux cartes. Comment faire ?
Une solution pourrait être de fusionner des cartes. Mais est-ce possible ? (la solution proposée par Tronpo ci dessus mais que je ne comprends pas ?)
Voilà où j'en suis

Hello Laurent,
It's been quite a while since I last used Oruxmaps and I had to call on my memories to understand the reason for my 40km2 maps.
Indeed, the reason was not a question of storage space on the smartphone.
In fact, I created these maps from the IGN funds using the WMTS function which opens the general IGN map to the 25,000th and allows you to create and download your own offline maps with the Oruxmaps Map Creator.
To create a map of the aera in which I hike with a magnification level of 15 in order to see the hiking trails, you need more than 2 Giga to download. Impossible.
I therefore chose to fragment the desired map into contiguous tiles of 40Km2 which seemed to me to be the right operational size. This represents around thirty offline maps of around 70,000 KB each.
The only thing I know is that when I am hiking, it is the map of the GPS point where I am located that is displayed and I have to wait for my position to leave the map for the other to be displayed.
Even if this arrangement remains manageable during the hick, it would seem so much more practical to me if the Oruxmaps application offered a function which allows you to manually control the loading and display of neighboring maps.
I actually believed that it was possible.
Where this feature is most lacking is when creating a course that overlaps two maps. How to do ?
One solution could be to merge maps. But is it possible?
This is where I am
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Display contiguous maps
January 06, 2024, 07:38:40 PM
It seems you are French ?
If you are, it must be better to continue in French ?
I'm not an expert with orux and I need to understand many things about maps.
MAPAS/MAPS / Display contiguous maps
January 06, 2024, 05:04:48 PM
I divided my geographical territory into 40km2 offline maps, which avoids overloading the memory of my smartphone.
When I activate my GPS, the corresponding map is displayed and I have to wait to move out of this map for the other to appear.
This is annoying when you stay yourself on the border of two maps.
Question: is there a function that allows to display several contiguous offline maps at the same time?
Thank you
it is not very flexible solution but at least it works
Thank you Lenz
It is not an easy solution but if it is the only one.....
The Orux team have to implement this elementary function
MAPAS/MAPS / How to modify the name of an offline map ?
November 09, 2021, 06:21:12 PM
Good evening,
I created offline maps, for one of them I got the name wrong.
How do we modify it?
Not finding, I reloaded the card but it is not the best solution
I'm looking for the function that allows you to position the pointer on a place whose I know geographic coordinates 
If this feature exists, someone could tell me where I can find it.
Thanks in advance