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Messages - Andy Todd

ERRORES/BUGS / Waypoints
May 08, 2023, 05:06:04 PM
Looks like bug has been reintroduce? With waypoints (and TTS on Waypoint name)

If after passing a waypoint there is only 1 waypoint close Oruxmaps gets it correct. However if there are several close it will say nothing for the closer waypoints and then say the name of what was the closest waypoint at the furthest one of that group.

Ie if there was waypoints 1,2 and 3 it would say nothing for 1 or 2 but at 3 would say 1.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Waypoints
May 05, 2022, 01:25:46 PM
Attached should be a map of one place where I remember it getting it wrong. From memory I did not get a TTS on a waypoint from where I turned off the road at the bottom to the waypoint at the top, where OruxMaps spoke "As road bends right take footpath on Left at blue sign..."
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Waypoints
May 05, 2022, 01:06:14 PM
I use 'follow route', with waypoints with a name. Simplified the GPX file looks like (can link to the full version if it helps)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.1">
<wpt lat="53.39478093421123" lon="-1.6496849290180207">
  <name>Cross stile in wall corner. Ahead, wall on Left.</name>
<wpt lat="53.36170959832032" lon="-1.9239491646766662">
  <name> As the track levels Bear Left passing Pennine Bridleway sign.  Do NOT cross cattle grid. </name>
  <trkpt lat="53.388361" lon="-1.653786">
  <trkpt lat="53.390912" lon="-1.653611">
  <trkpt lat="53.39093" lon="-1.65362">
  <trkpt lat="53.391575" lon="-1.651933">

My use case is that I use Ouxmaps to give me instructions as to where I need to go as I go along a walking route.
ERRORES/BUGS / Waypoints
May 03, 2022, 12:48:50 PM
For a while I have been having problems with OruxMaps and Waypoints. I think I now know what the bug is.

The app must be working out which waypoints are ahead of you. If there is only one ahead it gets it right.

If there is more than one, then it gets the position of the waypoints correct, and the red box in the top right is correct. However only one of the waypoints is associated with a name (generally the last one), and that is generally not its name, but the name for one of the other waypoints in that line (generally the first). The other waypoints are displayed/TTS with no name.
September 21, 2021, 02:35:04 PM
Why does OruxMaps miss speaking waypoints at times?

I was using it at the weekend, and some waypoints were never spoken, despite passing within the 40m range it was set to, and some were spoken after I passed the waypoint?

Is it something to do with the next waypoint system? if so is it possible to disable that?

Thanks, Andy
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Waypoints
April 16, 2019, 02:15:01 PM
After more experimentation I cannot get the new waypoint TTS to work reliably.

This was something that worked all the time before.

Can you tell me what version was the last with the old approach in and where I can download a copy?
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Waypoints
April 10, 2019, 07:39:49 PM
Tried to give you a simple failure, I am sure that those waypoints would have been spoken in the past, but are now not.

In the past I have always used follow route. My preference would be to use follow route for the route alarm, and distance calculations.

I have put into that drive share 2 more GPX

2019 Shropshire Way 80K.gpx was the route I was following

2019-04-06 0900__20190406_0900.gpx was the log of the walk

Orux map missed a large number of waypoints, but can only remember a few. Some that I know were missed were

  <wpt lat="52.46583" lon="-2.81993">

    <name>T-junction. Here turn right and continue along the road for 250m to reach a ford</name>


  <wpt lat="52.44205" lon="-3.00428">

    <name>forestry track. Here turn right and continue for 400 meters to a fork.</name>


  <wpt lat="52.44165" lon="-2.86715">

    <name>go through the stile, cross a little footbridge, through a metal gate go across a small field for 70 meters, to reach another metal gate leading into a carriage drive. Turn right down the carriage drive for 300 meters to a crossroads</name>


also from memory none of the waypoints with a name 'continue' were spoken, eg

  <wpt lat="52.47729" lon="-2.78697">



  <wpt lat="52.44763" lon="-3.06534">


ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Waypoints
April 09, 2019, 12:09:08 AM
Attached is link to a quick example, and a the recorded logs.

The route walked was Untitled (6). On the way out (2019-04-08 2240__20190408_2240) Oruxmaps did not speak waypoints 5 and 6. On the return (2019-04-08 2249__20190408_2249) it failed to speak waypoint 4.

The screen captures should give an indication of 2 of those">//
ERRORES/BUGS / Waypoints
April 08, 2019, 08:41:22 PM
The new waypoint system appears to have a number of bugs.

I use oruxmaps with TTS on waypoint names, and it will often miss the closest waypoint and on the screen show that it has select another one.

In addition the TTS is not read at the selected distance, but at something closer. eg Waypoint distance is set to 40m it will speak at 30m.
May 07, 2017, 05:42:53 PM
Have worked out what is causing this.

There is a rounding error bug in oruxmaps such that displayed distance includes a point 100. (ie it will show. 29.99, 29.100, 30.01 (don't know if it shows 30.00)

If the TTS is generated at 29.100 then it speaks 29.00
March 12, 2017, 07:57:35 PM
Looks like a bug has been introduced with the Tracks/Routes Enable TTS option.

Sometimes the message will used the distance for the last message. This will continue, but will sometimes go back to the correct distance.

The elapsed time at the end does appear to be correct.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Text To Speach
November 15, 2015, 08:22:40 PM
Think I have worked out what was causing this... Samsung Batter App optimization

Turned off optimization for Ourxmaps and the TTS and problem appears to have gone away.
ERRORES/BUGS / Text To Speach
November 01, 2015, 07:37:00 PM
There appears to be a problem with the text to speech for the "Enable TTS" option which has been recently introduced.

If I start a route recording then the distance announcements are not made. If I close down and restart, with the automatic recording of the track restart then the TTS announcements are made.

However I have have had odd times where it stops working again. If I try another app which does TTS then that app works fine.

ERRORES/BUGS / Track follow
May 26, 2014, 02:12:44 PM
The track follow TTS was giving incorrect information on a 100 mile walk I was doing at the weekend

The distance to target was being quoted as several miles shorter than in reality, and the time to target was being quoted as 0 hours 1 minutes and a few seconds from the first mile.

Also there appears to be a problem when Orux is reloaded following a reboot (to change batteries). The distance TTS was going off constantly, fixed this by going into the meu and reselecting 1 for the units.