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Messages - kibitz

Thank you!

I will send the minimap for testing.


Here is an example of what I proposed in my earlier post:

The important part of the code below is: <![CDATA[file]//... instead of <![CDATA[http]//...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<onlinemapsource uid="255">
<name>My Custom Map</name>

What do you think?
Hi Orux!

I am using the app for about one year now and I can say that is the best app for off-roading.

What I really miss is the support for file protocol in the oruxmaps xml comfiguration file for on-line map sources.

I have some parts of the maps I use saved on my external sd-card in a z/x/y folder manner and i would like to be able to access them directly (kinda like on-line map source).

As a programmer I believe that is not so difficult to implement, and it would make the app more versatile.

Please let me know if you need more details.

