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Messages - hpa_lueneburg

GENERAL / Re: Alarm WP and TTS
June 08, 2014, 10:08:52 PM
My Way ist this. You have to use Garmin's Basecamp. Create a New List. Create some waypoints for your next Tour, the best place for the waypoints is the next direction change. Then you have create a route with the waypoints. Convert the route to a track. Delete the route. Export the List (File-Export) . Now you have a created a Multifile (Filename.gpx)with the Track and all Waypoint on Your Computer. Move the File in the directory Oruxmapstracklogs.

Start Oruxmaps. Load the Route. Select Follow. Select WP Alarm. If the first waypoint of your tour is near by, Oruxmaps will read the name of this waypoint. If you are following the track Oruxmaps will read the next waypoint. If you are diligent you can write before teh name of the street to every Waypoint left, right or straight ahead or something else.