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Messages - egoorux


I have deleted the app data (not only the cache). Now it is working again.


I have updated my Samsung S4 active to Android 4.4.2 two days ago. I could open oruxmaps. Today oruxmaps crashed respectively a popup message appeared saying: oruxmaps on hold/stopped (in German: oruxmaps angehalten). Since this happened once I want to start oruxmaps the software does not start any more. I only get the popup message: oruxmaps on hold/stopped.

I have restarted the phone without success (the popup message still appears and oruxmaps does not start).

I deleted the app cache without success.

I reset the APPs pre-settings without success.

Should I delete at APP info the app data (as said I have deleted the cache already)?

Should I deinstall the app and install it afterwards?

Any other ideas?

I want to avoid a factory reset.

