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Messages - mnaber

GENERAL / Measure tool enhancement request
July 12, 2015, 03:02:28 AM
I have just started to take another look at this application.   A year ago I posted the following and I am wondering if this feature was ever implemented?

Is there a way to change what is displayed with the measure tool? Currently it displays from a current point and the direction outward. I would like to be able to do the reverse, where it displays the reciprocal degrees of what is currently shown.

My use for this is in hot air ballooning. If we want to fly into a target we will know the direction of the wind. If we could take this measure tool and start it where we want to end up and work backwards we can dertermine where to launch from. It would be nice to display the reciprocal of the heading versus trying to calculate that in my head.

Currently if the wind is heading to 122 degrees, I would have to know that I need to look out at 302 degrees in order to fly into that point.

Curious if this feature was ever added?
Is there a way to change what is displayed with the measure tool?  Currently it displays from a current point and the direction outward.  I would like to be able to do the reverse, where it displays the reciprocal degrees of what is currently shown.  

My use for this is in hot air ballooning.  If we want to fly into a target we will know the direction of the wind.  If we could take this measure tool and start it where we want to end up and work backwards we can dertermine where to launch from.  It would be nice to display the reciprocal of the heading versus trying to calculate that in my head.

Currently if the wind is heading to 122 degrees, I would have to know that I need to look out at 302 degrees in order to fly into that point.
